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Before You Talk About Change in Your Company

There sure are a lot of 'change gurus' these days, heck they are everywhere.
As an online article author, I have noted that there are more management consultants about than just about any other type of consultant on the planet.
Indeed, they all talk about change, change management, or introducing change in the corporation.
There are probably a billion words on the subject or more in printed form and god only knows how many web pages? Before you start talking about change or claim to be one with the only constant in the universe, perhaps you might read up on the subject yourself.
At this time, I would like to recommend a couple of books to you on the subject to get you started: "Winning the Change Game - How to Implement Information Systems with Fewer Headaches and Bigger Paybacks" by Kathy Farrell and Craig Broude.
1987 In a way this book although 20-years old has a special place and value due to its philosophical approach, tied to genuine effective strategies to understand and thus, weather change in any organization.
Indeed, I seriously doubt that anyone who earnestly studies change will be blown away by the concepts or methodology introduced, however, the work taken as a whole is quite enlightening, even 20 plus years later.
So, apparently, whereas things have changed, change its self has for the most part remained the same.
As one famous quote has previously stated; "Change is the only constant.
The book explains how to win at the change game, even when the status quo fights it actively or passively without commitment to the new process or methods in the company.

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