Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Work Accident Claim - What Is Involved?

Workplace accidents are quite common and they can happen in any type of work environment.
When a workplace accident takes place, it is possible for the victim to seek financial compensation.
But, what is a work accident claim all about? Here's a look at some of the main elements to a work accident claim.
Personal Injury To be able to make a work accident claim, it is important that you have sustained some form injury as a result of the accident.
If a personal injury has not been sustained, it won't be possible to put up a claim.
Moreover, just sustaining a personal injury is not enough to be able to make a claim.
You must have your injury documented by visiting a G.
P or a hospital.
Compensation The level of compensation that you obtain will depend on a variety of factors.
The extent of your injury, the effect of your injury on your lifestyle and work, the level of suffering you have been through as well as your financial losses will be considered when determining compensation for your claim.
But, you must be in a position to prove your losses in order to obtain the maximum compensation.
This means you will need to provide evidence of your injury and losses.
This can include your medical reports and invoices and bills of your financial losses.
Time Taken Off Work If a personal injury has been sustained, it is likely that you will have to take time off work.
The amount of time that is taken off work will depend on the extent and seriousness of your injury.
You could even take months off in case of serious injuries.
However, if a disability has resulted due to your accident at work, it may not be possible for you to return to work altogether.
All this can create financial hardships and money issues for the victim and the family as well.
Therefore, it is essential that you aware of your rights and the benefits you are entitled to.
If you have taken time off work to recover from your injury, you may get Statutory Sick Pay.
For example, depending on the contract of your employment, you may be able to receive Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.
In addition to this, you may be able to make a claim.
Work Accident Claim You can make a work accident claim if the accident was not your fault.
This means it was either a colleague who was responsible for the accident or your employer.
If liability on the part of your employer can be established, you may be able to recover financial compensation.
But making claims against the employer can be a tricky and complicated process.
Therefore, you may need to seek the services of a specialist work injury lawyer who can help you with the legal processes.

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