Society & Culture & Entertainment Digital Art

Blurry Effect That Captures Good Quality Videos

I just want to fiddle with this camera for the reason that truth is, is that Ive been attempting a lot of new things in the last couple of months and I finally observed something I really like and has been performing nicely. Now, in this video, Im going to share with you very, very shortly a little tip that Ive been playing around with. And the thing is, is that plenty of people have been asking me how do I get this little blurry blurry background in a great deal of my videos and get the focal point on just me.

Going back a several months ago, I was kind of planning about updating to a new camera and Ive used the Kodak Zi8 for a long time and youve seen a great deal of my videos where everythings in high definition and the quality is pretty good. Its just that you dont have that nice blurry background effect and also focus on the camera. And also too, I required a great deal of extra devices like lighting and also being sure that I have the right facets from time to time to guarantee that the camera records it appropriately.

Whereas this type of camera that Im currently utilizing now, the Canon T3i, I dont need to do such things. I dont even have much lighting on my face at this time in time. It is all totally utilized by day light and the adjustment of the camera. Thats the powerful thing about acquiring an SLR camera such as the Canon T3i.

So the whole concept is if you have a Canon SLR camera or any type of camera, all you need to do is buy a lens with a lesser F stop. What this means is essentially the whole size of your lens and the lesser the whole size, the greater it concentrates on your point which is my face and let anything else blur in the background. And thats to do with what we call the term aperture. The lower the F stop, the higher it is and the cost.

It jumps up considerably in price from 1.8 down to 1.4. And the price distinction is roughly about $100 for this lens and about $300 for that other lens. You might see just a slight little quality variation. I have seen the minor little quality variation but I wasnt considering paying that extra because I dont think my viewers like yourself would possibly even notice. So really thats the way do it. Just get a separate different lens. Make sure you have an SLR camera and a fixed lens makes a variation because then you dont have to worry about improving the zoom and all that stuff and an F1.8 is more than ample enough to obtain that nice blur.

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