Technology Networking & Internet

Satellite Broadband Enables Rural Online Poker Players, Literally

The beauty of online poker is that people from all around the world can "sit down" at a "table" and enjoy a game of cards. Perhaps the best part, though, is that you can gamble right in the comforts of your own home. That is, unless you have a dial-up connection, which is too slow for fast game play. In that case, what you need is satellite broadband.

Whatever your rationale for still having a dial-up connection is, there's no longer any reason to resist the upgrade to a broadband connection. Maybe you are still hanging onto your dial-up because the bill is cheaper than cheap. Others may have more valid reasons. There are some areas of the U.S. where high-speed internet isn't available through landlines. These areas are typically remote and sparsely populated, making the demand too low for companies to offer service. Fear no more. Although it has been available since the mid-90s, the resurgence of satellite internet is making high-speed internet available to everyone across the U.S. and the whole world.

If you live in one of those remote areas, until now your gambling has probably been limited to a monthly or weekly poker night with friends. You've probably been dying to get into more poker action than that. However, it's hard to keep a steady connection when your dial-up only goes but so fast. When the rest of the world is using high-speed internet, you're only holding everyone else up if you try to play. Some connections are even so slow that the time limit expires and you are forced to forfeit your hand. So, don't you think it's time to upgrade from that old dial-up connection? You simply have the dish installed on your home and you are ready to go. Most companies will install it for free.

So, why do you need a faster connection? Sure, you may have been able to log-on to a poker site, but dial-up is simply too slow to keep up. Satellite broadband provides speeds that are up to 50 times faster than those of dial-up. Never again will you have to worry about a slow connection holding up the game. The other players will have to take their anger out on other slow connection-using opponents. Not to mention that satellite connections are always online. Forget about dialing up and forget about tying up a phone line.

The poker community, both online and in Las Vegas, gets bigger and bigger year after year. Did you know that online poker playing is a multi-billion dollar business for the host sites? But poker isn't just good for the sites' business executives; there are tons of people that make a real living playing online poker. If you are going to try to do the same, satellite broadband is exactly what you need to get started. If you are good enough, you will win enough money each month to cover the internet bill, and maybe much more. But even if you can't, satellite prices are quite affordable and well worth the money, considering your other antiquated, painfully slow option.

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