Health & Medical Diabetes

Looking For the Best Diabetes Treatment - A Type 2 Diabetes Cure is Closer Than You Think

Who else wants in on the best diabetes treatment right now? I'm with you.
Diabetes is a scary diagnosis.
Many people think of it as a sentence to a life of hard health.
But it doesn't have to be.
And fortunately for you, there's a very effective diabetes treatment already available.
In fact, there's a diabetes treatment that's been proven in multiple studies to be more effective than metformin (the medicine most commonly prescribed for diabetes).
The problem is that you'll think it's trivial.
But it's not.
It's actually pretty profound.
So what is it? The most effective diabetes treatment is adopting habits that decrease your susceptibility to diabetes and make your healthier and more vigorous.
I know, you want to close this article and look for a sexier cure.
But hear me out.
First, there isn't one.
I was serious when I said that a good regimen of diet and exercise has been proven more effective than metformin.
Second, move gradually toward habits that support you'll health and you'll feel a lot better.
In fact, it's possible to be healthier as a conscientious diabetic than as an unthinking person without diabetes.
And be honest for a minute.
Isn't that what you'd prefer in a diabetes treatment - to feel healthy and vigorous, full of energy, and in control of your body, and not to feel tired and weighed down, with one more pill to add to your regimen? Finally, healthy habits have a bad rap, for two reasons.
When someone suggests you adopt healthy habit, they usually are either too vague to follow or too aggressive to live with.
And I'm not suggesting you eat rabbit food and train to climb Kilamanjaro.
Here are two things you can do right now.
Cut your meal portions in half.
American eat portions that are far too large.
3 ounces of meat, fish, or chicken is about the size of a deck of playing cards or the palm of your hand.
A 1 ounce serving of cheese is only about the size of your thumb.
Get a walking buddy and walk 10 times around your parking lot every lunch.

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