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Sinus Infection Rinse Treatments

Sinus infection rinse has proven to be an excellent natural cure and effective home remedy for sinus infection.

There are several ways to perform a sinus infection rinse. The following are only a few of your options:

Sinus Infection Rinse with the Use of a Plastic Syringe - this method is very suitable for first- timers. Most people are unaccustomed to having water running through their sinuses, let alone in large volumes! The use of the syringe allows the individual to control the volume of the irrigation liquid through the nasal cavities. For this method you will need;

- 10ml plastic syringe without a needle.

- 100mg of sodium bicarbonate powder.

- A cup.

- A teaspoon.

How to perform sinus rinse or irrigation;

1. Mix 1 teaspoonful of the powder into a small cup of water and stir the mixture. Fill up the syringe with the sodium bicarbonate solution by pulling back the plunger of the syringe after immersing it into the solution.

2. Lower your head into the basin and tilt your head to the side and slightly down toward the basin. Ideally, the chin and the forehead should be level with each other.

3. Place the opening of syringe into the upper nostril creating a complete seal and inject the saline solution so that it flows into that nostril, through the nasal passages, and out the lower nostril. Ideally, you should hold your breath while doing this to prevent accidental breathing in of the solution.

4. Expel the remaining saline solution and mucus trapped in the nasal passages by blowing them out of the nostrils. For best results, it would be better to keep one nostril shut and blow out the contents through the other. If your nostrils are blocked, you should not forcefully blow out the water. Do so gently.

5. Repeat the entire process by tilting the head to the other side and inserting the syringe through the other nostril.

6. When the saline solution is almost used up, use the remaining amount and gargle the throat for a minute or so, as you would with a mouthwash. Spit out the contents when it is done.

If you are having a nasal congestion caused by an allergy or infection, it is important that the seal formed by the syringe and the nostril remains tight. Otherwise, when the saline solution is injected, the solution instead of passing through the nasal passages gets expired out through the same nostril that the syringe is inserted.

Sinus Infection Rinse with a Neti Pot - A neti pot is often used for nasal irrigation for sinus infection treatment because it is designed to allow more water to pass through the sinus passages than a syringe would. It is built in such a way that the spout of the neti pot is able to comfortably insert snugly into the nostril.

The procedure for performing nasal irrigation with the neti pot is almost the same as when using a syringe. The only difference is that you allow half of the pot of water to run through one of your nostrils first before doing the same with the other nostril.

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