Bacterial Vaginosis - Symptoms and Causes
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common type of vaginal infection.
It is a mild infection of the vagina caused by microorganism's imbalance.
Naturally, a healthy vagina should contain many microorganisms in a balance state, but in some cases there are some species of bacteria that grow to excess, that could be due to the use of antibiotics or pH imbalance, or other reasons.
This is certainly upsetting the balance of microorganisms that could result a vaginal discharge.
The Symptoms Most women with bacterial vaginosis could have disturbing and uncomfortable symptoms.
Others might have no symptom at all.
Common symptoms include: -Unpleasant fishy odor with excessive grayish white or yellow vaginal discharge, noticeable especially after sex.
-Have unusual vaginal itching -Have pain during sex or during urination In some women, those symptoms often clear up without medicine, but in others it could not.
In many cases they can come back after clearing up.
The Causes Experts still have difficulty determining what causes the bacteria in the vagina to be imbalance.
It seems that a combination of multiple bacteria must be present together for the problem to develop.
Although sexual activity can trigger or worsen the condition, infection does not appear to be passed from man to woman.
Therefore, it is not considered by experts as sexually transmitted disease.
Certain factors have been identified that increase the chances of developing bacterial vaginosis including: -Multiple or new sexual partner -Douching -Smoking -High blood sugar level To avoid or to reduce the risk of getting the infection, it can be helped by limiting the number of sex partners, to stop smoking, to avoid douching, and maintaining the normal blood sugar level.
This disease is happened more common in women who are sexually active, but it can also be developed in women who have not had sexual intercourse, caused by bacteria from the anus due to none hygiene wiping after bowel movement.
Many of the bacterial vaginosis cases are left uncared, where in long run the lack of treatment often causes more serious infection which potentially resulting in hospitalization.
For example it could enhance the risk of getting pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and in pregnancy it could result in premature labor, premature birth, infection of the uterus and other pregnancy complications.
If you experience those symptoms, it is generally recommended that you see a medical practitioner.
Doctor could help you to distinguish mild from more serious conditions, or to distinguish bacterial vaginosis from yeast vaginitis and trichomonas.
Doctor usually will prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis such as metronidazole and clindamycin.
It is a mild infection of the vagina caused by microorganism's imbalance.
Naturally, a healthy vagina should contain many microorganisms in a balance state, but in some cases there are some species of bacteria that grow to excess, that could be due to the use of antibiotics or pH imbalance, or other reasons.
This is certainly upsetting the balance of microorganisms that could result a vaginal discharge.
The Symptoms Most women with bacterial vaginosis could have disturbing and uncomfortable symptoms.
Others might have no symptom at all.
Common symptoms include: -Unpleasant fishy odor with excessive grayish white or yellow vaginal discharge, noticeable especially after sex.
-Have unusual vaginal itching -Have pain during sex or during urination In some women, those symptoms often clear up without medicine, but in others it could not.
In many cases they can come back after clearing up.
The Causes Experts still have difficulty determining what causes the bacteria in the vagina to be imbalance.
It seems that a combination of multiple bacteria must be present together for the problem to develop.
Although sexual activity can trigger or worsen the condition, infection does not appear to be passed from man to woman.
Therefore, it is not considered by experts as sexually transmitted disease.
Certain factors have been identified that increase the chances of developing bacterial vaginosis including: -Multiple or new sexual partner -Douching -Smoking -High blood sugar level To avoid or to reduce the risk of getting the infection, it can be helped by limiting the number of sex partners, to stop smoking, to avoid douching, and maintaining the normal blood sugar level.
This disease is happened more common in women who are sexually active, but it can also be developed in women who have not had sexual intercourse, caused by bacteria from the anus due to none hygiene wiping after bowel movement.
Many of the bacterial vaginosis cases are left uncared, where in long run the lack of treatment often causes more serious infection which potentially resulting in hospitalization.
For example it could enhance the risk of getting pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and in pregnancy it could result in premature labor, premature birth, infection of the uterus and other pregnancy complications.
If you experience those symptoms, it is generally recommended that you see a medical practitioner.
Doctor could help you to distinguish mild from more serious conditions, or to distinguish bacterial vaginosis from yeast vaginitis and trichomonas.
Doctor usually will prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis such as metronidazole and clindamycin.