Roller Blades Tutorial
- 1). Put on a helmet, along with knee and shoulder pads, before you get started to protect yourself in case of a fall.
- 2). Put on your skates and lace or clip them snugly, so your ankles are supported and you don't have a problem with the skates falling off or slipping.
- 3). Stand slowly. You may want to hold on to a stationary object for support at first. You may even want to stand on a grassy area first until you become used to the way the skates feel.
- 4). Step onto a smooth area that is appropriate for skating.
- 5). Walk slowly in the skates with your knees slightly bent and your hands in front of you for balance and protection in case you fall. Keep your toes pointed slightly outward for extra stability.
- 6). Glide slowly on each foot as you step forward. Keep your knees bent and shift your weight outward and forward as you step and glide.
- 7). Brake by bringing your braking foot slightly in front of the other foot. Maintain a shoulder-width distance between your skates. Hold your hands out in front of you at shoulders' distance as well. Keep your weight on your back foot as you squat slightly and press your brake (on the forward foot) into the ground. The brake will be on the rear of the skate, so you'll press your heel gently toward the pavement until you come to a stop.