Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Signs of Dog Blindness

    • There are many symptoms of blindness in image by Holtea Silviu from

      Canine blindness is a condition with many causes, including cataracts, inflammation, infection, eye disease or retinal detachment. Treatment of blindness varies, depending on what caused it. Home care is important, because removing obstacles and keeping your dog's items where it can find them make its life easier. Consult your veterinarian to determine if your dog is becoming blind, and in the meantime, look for signs and symptoms of canine blindness in your dog.


    • Your dog may become more clumsy, tripping, stumbling, bumping into or falling over furniture and other obstacles. Your dog may also seem to trip and fall over nothing at all. This can be the result of impaired or lost vision.

    Lost Items

    • A dog that is growing blind may have trouble locating everyday items it never had trouble finding before. Such items include its bed, food/water dishes or favorite toys. Try keeping these items in the same place at all times, and see your veterinarian if this behavior continues.

    Behavior Changes

    • Your dog may seem to become less attentive to its surroundings and seem aloof or uninterested in things it used to love. Your dog may also begin to sleep more or may lose interest in playing. It also may become frustrated or depressed. These are all signs of blindness.

    Easily Frightened

    • A dog that cannot see what's going on around it understandably may become frightened.
      Pay attention to signs that your dog is easily startled by noises, people or animals entering a room, or by being touched by others. Consistently acting fearful is a sign of blindness.


    • Dogs who experience blindness may find themselves struggling to find their way around their home, getting lost in places they used to know by heart. Your dog may also frequently get lost in the yard and require your assistance getting safely back to the house.

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