Business & Finance Wealth Building

Utilizing The Hulbert Financial Digest To Build Your Nest Egg

The Hulbert Financial Digest is the world's leading investment advice newsletter published by MarketWatch, which is a part of the Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal Company. Edited by renowned investment expert Mark Hulbert, this newsletter has been around for almost 20 years. This is the definitive guide to the stock market. The Hulbert Financial Digest is an email newsletter that is delivered weekly, and is an important and essential guide for anyone who wants to master their skills in trading.

The Hulbert Financial Digest is so powerful because it tracks and analyzes hundreds of investment newsletters so you can see how their recommendations perform over time. This is an invaluable tool. Newsletters related to investing are very popular in the world of stock market trading, and most of them offer stock pick recommendations. The sad truth is that most of these recommendations are not very sound. This is why Hulbert's Financial Digest is so useful. Mark Hulbert generates ranking tables where he basically follows the advice given by other investing newsletters, and then monitors the performance of recommendations to see which ones actually made a profit. Imagine the power of using these tables to weed out poor recommendations. Picking the winners from among the losers is the name of the game, and this tool is a great way to achieve this goal. The nice thing about these tables is that you can search back to the 1990s using the graphs and articles in the Hulbert Newsletter review subscription.

There are a few different deals available on the Hulbert Financial Digest. Essentially, MarketWatch is offering an annual subscription for $59 US Dollars. If you do subscribe to the Hulbert Financial Digest, you will also get four weeks free. You will also receive access to historical stock market reports so you can get a good foundation of how different industry stocks are performing.

The Hulbert Financial Digest is highly recommended by many seasoned investors. It is the perfect gift for not just beginning traders but also seasoned professionals who are looking to change their trading strategy in 2013. By subscribing to the Hulbert Financial Digest, you will not only be providing a valuable resource to an investor of any level, but you can make a nice gift out of it this holiday season.

Take a look for yourself to see if you would benefit from this digest. If you are serious about making money in the stock market this year, then a Hulbert Financial Digest subscription could be just what you need to realize your investing goals. Happy investing!

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