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Best Questions to Ask a Guy on a First Date

he best questions to ask a guy on a first date will depend on the date itself.  They can be casual and fun-filled or serious and heartfelt.  It will also depend on how long you have known this person.  What are you looking for? Romance, love, or maybe it is just a night out on the town.  Whatever the reason for your first date, stop and think about the questions that you want to ask before you head out the door.

The casual date

Most first dates start with the casual date.  You meet someone who looks interesting and you think that this might be a person you would like to go out with.  The date can be as simple as going for coffee, or as complex as a show and dinner, depending on both of your styles.  Casual date questions are usually fact gathering inquiries, such as:  What do you do for a living? What kind of music do you like? They give you a simple profile of whether or not you are compatible.  Now a casual first date can escalate into a serious date if the chemistry is just right.

The serious date

This type of date is usually with someone you have known for a while and it has blossomed into something more than friendship, or it may be the casual date that has suddenly turned serious.  Questions become more philosophical and are geared towards your belief systems.  Say for instance, you went to school with this person and you know their family and friends, but now you want to really know what he is about, what makes him tick.  Questions of this sort are more like; do you believe in God? If you were stranded on an island what you would do?  They are more soul searching questions that open a deeper level of understanding of each other.

Romance questions

This is where your intention for the date comes into play.  Are you seeking romance or are you looking for a husband? Romantic questions are meant to get to know what your likes and dislikes are in a relationship.  Questions such as what is your favorite vacationing spot and why?  If you could plan the perfect date what would it be? These kinds of questions conjure up thoughts of romance and love.

Searching for your mate questions

If you are searching for your perfect mate and you think you have just met him, you will be asking questions that are more serious in tone than the romance questions such as: Do you want a family someday? If you could have any job in the world what would you do? These kinds of questions bring up life situations that could happen in the future and give you the opportunity to see if you would fit into that lifestyle.

Best Questions to Ask a Guy on a First Date are based on what you want to accomplish on the date.  Know the reason that you are going and enjoy.

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