How to Get Rid of BV
If your want to know How to get rid of BV then you are all to familiar with the embarrassment and pain fishy smells and itching down there can cause.
The fact is most women do not understand the cause of this problem and often end up using the wrong things to try and treat it.
A "fishy" smell, which is usually worse after sex, is a telltale sign of BV (bacterial vaginosis).
BV is NOT a STD, but simply an imbalance of the "good" bacteria and the "bad" bacteria which are both naturally found in the vagina.
Often the most advised BV treatment is with antibiotics.
However with BV is the MOST common infection in women of childbearing age it easy to find forums and discussion boards that will quickly show you that antibiotics are only a short term solution to a larger problem of bacterial imbalance.
Another common treatment is douching which is VERY bad.
Please do NOT do this.
The normal acidity of the vagina keeps the amount of bacteria down and douching can change this delicate balance.
This may make a woman more prone to vaginal infections.
Plus, douching can spread existing vaginal infections up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
There are also vaginal washes that you can use and also feminine powders.
Is it just the outside or the inside? If the smell is coming from the outside you can use simple home remedies such as bathing with dettol or a lime on your wash cloth.
Also, overly washing, even with regular soap can cause you to get an infection.
I know thatmay at first sound contradictory, but there are normal levels of bacteria that live in the vagina all the time, and if you wash too much, it disrupts this natural balance.
The fact is most women do not understand the cause of this problem and often end up using the wrong things to try and treat it.
A "fishy" smell, which is usually worse after sex, is a telltale sign of BV (bacterial vaginosis).
BV is NOT a STD, but simply an imbalance of the "good" bacteria and the "bad" bacteria which are both naturally found in the vagina.
Often the most advised BV treatment is with antibiotics.
However with BV is the MOST common infection in women of childbearing age it easy to find forums and discussion boards that will quickly show you that antibiotics are only a short term solution to a larger problem of bacterial imbalance.
Another common treatment is douching which is VERY bad.
Please do NOT do this.
The normal acidity of the vagina keeps the amount of bacteria down and douching can change this delicate balance.
This may make a woman more prone to vaginal infections.
Plus, douching can spread existing vaginal infections up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
There are also vaginal washes that you can use and also feminine powders.
Is it just the outside or the inside? If the smell is coming from the outside you can use simple home remedies such as bathing with dettol or a lime on your wash cloth.
Also, overly washing, even with regular soap can cause you to get an infection.
I know thatmay at first sound contradictory, but there are normal levels of bacteria that live in the vagina all the time, and if you wash too much, it disrupts this natural balance.