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Minority Business Owners Can Streamline Application Process with MOU

Organizations that are operating as a minority business enterprise in Maryland are seeing more processes that enable them to apply and bid successfully on contracts that are federally funded, both within and outside the state. For example, there are certification programs established through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the state and others that allow these organizations to obtain bidding certification in which they submit five supporting documents, a much easier process than the 20 or more documents that would normally be required to be submitted in the standard application procedure. Of course, there are ways to enhance the application process. Here's how:

It's all about the application

  • Be familiar with the North American industry classification system codes that apply to one's business.

  • Understand that certification requirements involve ownership, minority status, small business size standards, even the amount of personal net worth of the owners.

  • When filing an application, be sure to not leave any areas blank, and provide all of the required supporting documentation. If possible, submit a uniform certification application.

  • It's important not leave any blank areas in the application. If a question does not apply to the business, write or type in not applicable and attach an explanation as to why.

  • To organize information more thoroughly, search online for document checklists offered by the Office of Minority Business Enterprise. Use the checklists to help determine how to sort each type of information into its own section.

  • Don't forget to sign and notarize any affidavits that are provided in the packet of application materials.

  • Make several copies of the application package before submitting it for consideration.

  • If contacted for additional information, provided as soon as possible.

  • Be patient. It can take as much as 3 to 5 months for an application packet to be processed.

Seek help from dedicated professionals

Start-up of a minority business enterprise in Maryland or in any location can be a daunting prospect, but there are many that have made the leap from homespun idea to thriving, bustling operation. Living the dream usually takes a lot of sweat equity and dedication, yet the state's memorandum of understanding (MOU) has done a great deal to help hundreds of these operations get off the ground. For more information about other needs of a fledgling company, such as a comprehensive insurance program to protect the business, Bid bonds, Contract bonds, Performance bonds, Fidelity bonds, contact a professional insurance agent today.

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