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Ideas for Thank You Sayings With Treats

    Mini Cupcakes

    • Mini cupcakes that you either buy from a store or bake yourself can be arranged into the shape of a word to surprise someone. Spell out the word "Thanks," "You Are the Best" or "Thanks for Your Help!" You can use cupcakes with different colors of frosting for different words or keep it simple and make them all the same.

    Custom Fortune Cookies

    • Share a 100-word note from a fortune cookie with the person to whom you are thankful. Make this a traditional thank-you note by telling them how they helped you and what a wonderful person they are. If you are thanking a group of people, order a large batch of smaller cookies that have different customized phrases in them such as, "I owe you a debt of gratitude," "Thanks for having my back," or "I owe you one."

    Holiday Baked Goods

    • If you are looking for an excuse to thank someone but do not have an event coming up during which to do it, bake them something for a holiday. Bake a pumpkin pie or cheesecake for Thanksgiving, or a death by chocolate cake to celebrate the New Year. Use decorative frosting to put a note on the dessert that reads "Thank you." As an added bonus, the recipient can show off how valuable she is to those who see the treat.

    Casual Candy Note

    • If someone has helped you out in a small way and you would like to delight them with a playful thank you, use M&Ms, Skittles or other small candies to leave a quick note on a desk or table. A mom would enjoy finding a "Thanks, I love you," written with candy and a best friend would certainly be smiling if she found a "Thanks BF" spelled out on her desk.

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