Effective Coping Techniques For Sleep Apnea Sufferers
We all need sleep, but sleep apnea robs its sufferers of rejuvenating sleep. The article below provides some great information for fighting the disorder of sleep apnea, so that you can be more productive every day of your life.
Do not let your sleep apnea go untreated. Sleep apnea is one condition that tends to steadily worsen the longer it's left untreated. Don't hesitate. Your symptoms will only get worse. See your doctor right away.
If you don't get enough sleep at night, try taking a daytime nap. A quick nap can help give you the boost of energy you need to get through your day. Explain to your employer that you have a sleep disorder and sometimes a daytime nap may be necessary to improve your overall work performance.
Don't binge drink if you have sleep apnea. When you drink, the alcohol causes the muscles in your throat to relax, which will impede your airway and cause snoring. If you can, avoid all alcohol or make sure not to drink at all at least 4 hours before bedtime. This will ensure alcohol doesn't affect your sleep.
Do you sometimes drink or smoke? Quit these vices. These substances influence your airways. Smoking swells up your airways while alcohol relaxes them. Both of these things can result in sleep apnea. If you do not want to quit, just do not do it before laying down to sleep.
Sleeping on your back can make your sleep apnea worse. Sleeping on one's side or stomach will go a long way toward making for easier breathing with sleep apnea. Try using foam wedges to prop up your body. Or, if your bed is adjustable, raise it about four inches at one end.
Think about a CPAP machine if sleep apnea afflicts you. It's a relatively simple machine to operate and all you do is cover your nose and mouth with a mask. The CPAP machine is hooked to the mask and allows for a more restful sleep as it provides you with a constant flow of pressurized air. These machines are very effective, although it may take time to adjust to wearing the mask.
Be sure to treat allergies and sinus issues right away if you suffer from sleep apnea. Having sleep apnea means you already struggle to breathe during the night. Additional swelling in the airways and extra mucus will make sleep apnea worse. You will sleep better and have a more open airway if you treat nasal problems.
Some sleep apnea sufferers can find relief with a mouth guard, nasal strips or weight loss. Some people have jaws that are too small or oddly shaped which makes it hard for air to flow freely. A simple corrective device may alter the jaw alignment during sleep, allowing for more air to enter the breathing passage.
Not getting enough sleep can ruin your life, and maybe end it. Start taking control over your sleep apnea, and get the rest you deserve. Life is already a hard road without having to be exhausted regularly.
Do not let your sleep apnea go untreated. Sleep apnea is one condition that tends to steadily worsen the longer it's left untreated. Don't hesitate. Your symptoms will only get worse. See your doctor right away.
If you don't get enough sleep at night, try taking a daytime nap. A quick nap can help give you the boost of energy you need to get through your day. Explain to your employer that you have a sleep disorder and sometimes a daytime nap may be necessary to improve your overall work performance.
Don't binge drink if you have sleep apnea. When you drink, the alcohol causes the muscles in your throat to relax, which will impede your airway and cause snoring. If you can, avoid all alcohol or make sure not to drink at all at least 4 hours before bedtime. This will ensure alcohol doesn't affect your sleep.
Do you sometimes drink or smoke? Quit these vices. These substances influence your airways. Smoking swells up your airways while alcohol relaxes them. Both of these things can result in sleep apnea. If you do not want to quit, just do not do it before laying down to sleep.
Sleeping on your back can make your sleep apnea worse. Sleeping on one's side or stomach will go a long way toward making for easier breathing with sleep apnea. Try using foam wedges to prop up your body. Or, if your bed is adjustable, raise it about four inches at one end.
Think about a CPAP machine if sleep apnea afflicts you. It's a relatively simple machine to operate and all you do is cover your nose and mouth with a mask. The CPAP machine is hooked to the mask and allows for a more restful sleep as it provides you with a constant flow of pressurized air. These machines are very effective, although it may take time to adjust to wearing the mask.
Be sure to treat allergies and sinus issues right away if you suffer from sleep apnea. Having sleep apnea means you already struggle to breathe during the night. Additional swelling in the airways and extra mucus will make sleep apnea worse. You will sleep better and have a more open airway if you treat nasal problems.
Some sleep apnea sufferers can find relief with a mouth guard, nasal strips or weight loss. Some people have jaws that are too small or oddly shaped which makes it hard for air to flow freely. A simple corrective device may alter the jaw alignment during sleep, allowing for more air to enter the breathing passage.
Not getting enough sleep can ruin your life, and maybe end it. Start taking control over your sleep apnea, and get the rest you deserve. Life is already a hard road without having to be exhausted regularly.