Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

An Insider View-Do Collagen Pills help your skin Or Not?

If your question is- do collagen pills help your skin in becoming young, firm and beautiful again, this article would provide you just the right answer.

The answer to your question is NO. Collagen pills do not help your skin in any way and are a complete waste of money. They got no scientific evidence whatsoever to back their usefulness.

But, don't get discouraged just as yet. There are natural and clinically proven substances that help the body in building collagen naturally.

It would be good to look into the anatomy of collagen to see how it works. That would make it clear why collagen skin creams and collagen pills are ineffective.

Our skin gets saggy, lined, wrinkled as we age older. Its due to the depletion of two key proteins from our body. They are collagen and elastin. They both are vital proteins required in sufficient levels for soft, vibrant and youthful skin.

Now, common rationale would say that taking collagen pills or applying collagen creams should increase the level of collagen in the body. But scientific facts prove otherwise.

Collagen pills don't help because collagen molecules are too complex structured, hence they are not absorbed by the cells of the body. Collagen in that form is rejected by the body.

And Collagen creams are ineffective because the collagen protein molecules are too large for the skin to absorb. The uppermost layer of the skin called Epidermis is unable to take in the collagen.

Now, the general public is unaware of these facts. So, they end up spending millions of dollars every year on such products and fall prey to the unscrupulous product manufacturers whose best interests are served in keeping you ignorant of these basic facts.

Building Collagen naturally is the key to ever youthful and supple skin. If such natural substances are taken which stimulate the body in its own production of building collagen, then that would result in anti aging.

As we grow older, the body produces less and less collagen. If the body starts building collagen effectively, then you can achieve the "youthful" skin once again.

You need to research and look for products that stimulate the body in building collagen. And yes, such natural substances do exist. And they are clinically proven.

I have spent a great deal of time researching these ingredients and substances in skin creams, and I can assure you that these are not household names. Even I was the consumer of such ineffective collagen creams till I became aware of the scientific reality.

My website discusses in greater detail about these powerful, yet largely unknown, natural substances that aid our body wonderfully in building collagen.

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