Health & Medical Mental Health

EFT - Why Use EFT on Childhood Events and Issues?

Many people using EFT avoid working on childhood events and issues.
These are some "why's" I hear from clients:
  • That was so long ago.
    I've already dealt with that in therapy.
  • I don't see what that has to do with my life now.
  • I don't remember much about when I was a kid.
    Let's work on current issues.
  • I've gone back to my early 20s.
    Isn't that far enough back?
  • I should be over all that by now.
    I just want to tap on what's bothering me now.
Darn Good Reasons Sometimes the reluctance is really fear masquerading as logic.
Your protective inner self (who's doing a great job, by the way!) is scared that it's just too painful to go back there.
So it creates this avoidance with some darn good reasons.
Or sometimes the resistance is from just not knowing - not realizing how helpful it can be to go as far back as you can with EFT.
So Why Bother? Here's the deal: Clearing childhood issues can have a bigger positive impact on your life than probably anything else you can work on with EFT.
It can hugely reduce the time spent tapping on your challenges as they show up now.
The positive impact of working on early issues shows up in ways you'd never imagine.
Why The Resistance? Your brain is still physically developing until your 20s.
So the younger you are, the more simply you process events.
Feelings are huge and extreme when you're a kid.
Even small things can feel like life and death, all or nothing.
As a child, you totally believe what you hear -- especially from people you're attached to.
Events that wouldn't phase you today feel really traumatic when you're young.
So your body, brain, and energy system register them as trauma.
And that's how they're stored.
Even medical brain research shows that traumas are stored very differently in our brains.
So childhood events have an enormous impact on your feelings, minds and energy systems.
That's why clearing them with EFT can create remarkable changes in your life today.
Reversing that enormous impact has really broad, good effects on you as an adult now.
No Wonder You Avoid Going Back When you think about a childhood issue -- even today -- some of those early life-and-death feelings are triggered.
That creates a fight-or-flight response in your system.
The most basic part of your being says it's not safe to rock that boat.
And your intellect responds - taking excellent care of you -- with adult reasons (mentioned above) to leave it all alone.
But staying safe is often staying stuck.
Remarkable progress with EFT involves taking the risk of leaving that comfort zone.
A Metaphor To Consider Imagine that as a little kid you have an artist's palette to paint your life with, but you've only got 3 colors.
Primary colors of red, yellow and blue.
As you grow up, you expand your possibilities by mixing those colors in various ways.
By middle age, you've got countless hues to choose from.
OK - now when a negative event happens when you're a child, let's say it alters that pot of red paint.
It's a little muddy now -- not so clear and strong.
Now think of all the adult hues that have some red in them.
Each one of those will be affected by that -- so the scarlet will be a little bit off.
So will the purple.
The oranges aren't so bright.
Pinks are muted.
Along comes EFT.
When you go back and neutralize that childhood event with EFT and un-muddy that red paint, amazing things happen.
All those other adult colors are now clear and strong.
You can't predict all the ways that you're affected by an early event.
Likewise, you can't imagine all the wonderful ways clearing it can affect your life today.
A Gift To Yourself Do yourself a huge favor, and clear those early challenges first.
The benefits are enormous.
If you feel yourself resisting, ask yourself why.
Maybe that little kid inside doesn't want to have those big feelings all alone.
You don't have to do it alone -- tap with a professional or a friend.
Get another person's energy working on the issue with you.
If you're not feeling confident with EFT, or feel overwhelmed by the thought of it, call a practitioner.
Treat yourself to some skillful, experienced healing.
You deserve it!

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