Business & Finance Corporations

Five Ideas When Looking for Ways to Make Extra Money

Maybe you already have a job, or maybe you are retired or disabled and can't really work a full time, regular job.
You just might be looking for ways to make extra money.
There are several ways to bring in a few dollars without taxing yourself both physically or time wise.
Most of the following ideas are quick and easy to do to pick up a bit of extra money, often averaging an extra $100 per month.
Idea 1: Sell your junk (and other people's junk, too).
You can either sell through auctions like eBay or by yard sales and flea markets.
Yard sales and flea markets require more work than the auctions, but if you only do one a month or so, it shouldn't be too hard.
You can sell stuff you no longer want, but more than that, you can go to thrift stores and other yard sales and get stuff that is really cheap and then resell it or auction it.
There is some risk, but overall, you stand to make a least a few dollars.
If you deal with collectibles and know what you are doing, you can make a good part time income with finding bargains at thrift shops and yard sales and reselling them.
Watch trends and pricing on auction sites and you will know how to list and price your items.
Idea 2: This idea is related to the one above.
You can sell other's things for them.
You list the item, then package it and ship it for the customer.
You take your agreed upon percentage and send them the rest of the money from the sale.
You can either have them drop off things to be sold, or you can arrange to pick them up.
Of course, if you pick them up, you get a larger percentage.
Idea 3: Pawn stuff you really don't want.
This is not a good idea if you want your items back later, as the interest is very high.
But, if you have an unwanted item, and need some quick cash, this is one way to get it.
Of course, it isn't a source of regular income, unless you have a lot of jewelry and/or gold you want to get rid of.
You can probably get more for it elsewhere, but if you need a quick source of cash, the pawn shop is your answer.
Idea 4: Teach or tutor someone.
If you have a skill, or if you are good in math, for example, you can teach that skill to someone, or tutor a student who needs just a little extra help.
This can be a good source of regular income.
You can do it out of your own home, or if you want, you can charge a bit more and go to their home.
Advertise in the local paper or if the school has a bulletin board, put a note on there.
Some schools will even send a note home to parents if they trust your ability.
Idea 5: Sell old books and DVDs online.
You can sell your own books or DVDs or you can get used ones for really cheap from yard sales, etc.
Sometimes friends will even donate their old ones.
You may not make a fortune with this, but you can get some extra money.
Some have made around $100 per month, though they spent a lot of time at it.
If you deal with old collectible books and/or records, you have the potential of earning a good bit.
However, be careful when purchasing something for resale.
You may not get what you expect out of something, and if you spend a lot, you could actually lose money.
Though none of these will make you a fortune, they are each a good source of picking up some quick cash, or earning a little to supplement your income.
They have little or no overhead, so there is little risk involved.
You might even run across a great find while looking for ways to make extra money and make a good bit of cash from time to time.

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