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How to Cancel Infiniti Prepaid Maintenance

    • 1). Read your maintenance contract. Pay particular attention to the language concerning cancellation policy. In most cases, you should be entitled to a prorated refund if canceled within 30 days. In some cases, you may be subject to a termination or processing fee.

    • 2). Contact the Infiniti dealership where you purchased or leased your car. You should speak to the finance officer or sales person who is responsible for selling maintenance plans.

    • 3). Request that your maintenance contract be canceled. You are under no obligation to explain the reason for your cancellation. Simply state that you wish to end your contract. The dealer should process your request immediately.

    • 4). Ask the dealer when you can expect your refund, if any. If you are bound under the terms of your agreement to pay a cancellation fee, pay it promptly.

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