Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What You Might Be Doing Wrong When You Are Suffering From Underarm Sweating

Do you want to reduce effect of your underarm sweating? Do you have enough lies about it? Do you have enough of embarrassments and humiliations from sweating? If yes, you are at right place to find what did I do.
Everything started with my shirts being constantly wet.
I wasn't worrying at the beginning but after some time it really started to interfere with my daily life habits.
I was wet in my underarm part all the time.
My friends started to make fun of me and it did hurt me very much.
When I had enough of this nonsense I decided to find out the cure for my problem.
After that decision I went to my doctor.
He didn't help me at all, I am totally honest with you.
I was amazed because he didn't know what causes underarm sweating.
I was at a dead end.
After some research I found Botox injections.
And decide to test them.
It was my biggest mistake.
The pain was unbearable plus I thought I would use them only once in my life but I was so wrong.
You need to use them every 4 to 6 months to maintain results.
After that experience I never used them again.
What is left was using deodorants and antiperspirants.
And I must say some of them helped me, others not so much.
I am glad I tested them so much, otherwise I would have never found out remedy, which helped me to totally reduce underarm sweating at zero.
I was more than happy.
I was finally saved and clean.

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