How to Clean Your Registry Without Ruining Your Computer
Your computer's registry is the central database which Windows relies on to function.
It contains every setting from how much disk space you have left to which desktop wallpaper you're using.
It's a truly crucial part of your system and you could be forgiven for not wanting to poke around in it for too long.
However, the fact remains that most Windows operating systems are actually running at a fraction of their true potential, thanks to a corrupt or damaged registry.
This is a problem which affects not only the earlier versions of Windows but even the most up to date systems and unfortunately for us, Microsoft have been unable to give us an in-built solution to this problem, which means that we have to do things to fix the registry ourselves.
Luckily for us, some enterprising firms have actually created what are known as 'registry cleaners' to fix the registry for us.
These are great because they scan through the entire registry database and fix the problems they encounter, speeding up your PC stopping the errors that appear.
However, some of the lesser registry cleaners actually work in a way which harms your system...
and this is bad.
These are generally the free registry cleaners or the unpopular ones (because they are just so clumsy) - they simply try and scan your computer for as many 'problems' as they can find.
They don't care how important or crucial the file is to your system, they just delete any files they can in order to make themselves look good.
These registry cleaners are not only bad but they can do a lot of damage to your PC.
On the flip side, there are a lot of high quality registry tools which provide a backup facility.
This allows you to create a complete backup of the system registry BEFORE anything happens to it.
Coupled with improved search technology, these tools not only give your registry a more thorough clean but they are also a lot safer than using one of these "on the edge" cleaners which just deletes everything it can.
It contains every setting from how much disk space you have left to which desktop wallpaper you're using.
It's a truly crucial part of your system and you could be forgiven for not wanting to poke around in it for too long.
However, the fact remains that most Windows operating systems are actually running at a fraction of their true potential, thanks to a corrupt or damaged registry.
This is a problem which affects not only the earlier versions of Windows but even the most up to date systems and unfortunately for us, Microsoft have been unable to give us an in-built solution to this problem, which means that we have to do things to fix the registry ourselves.
Luckily for us, some enterprising firms have actually created what are known as 'registry cleaners' to fix the registry for us.
These are great because they scan through the entire registry database and fix the problems they encounter, speeding up your PC stopping the errors that appear.
However, some of the lesser registry cleaners actually work in a way which harms your system...
and this is bad.
These are generally the free registry cleaners or the unpopular ones (because they are just so clumsy) - they simply try and scan your computer for as many 'problems' as they can find.
They don't care how important or crucial the file is to your system, they just delete any files they can in order to make themselves look good.
These registry cleaners are not only bad but they can do a lot of damage to your PC.
On the flip side, there are a lot of high quality registry tools which provide a backup facility.
This allows you to create a complete backup of the system registry BEFORE anything happens to it.
Coupled with improved search technology, these tools not only give your registry a more thorough clean but they are also a lot safer than using one of these "on the edge" cleaners which just deletes everything it can.