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Mind Secrets Exposed

Almost all your life you've been led to believe that the rich and successful got to where they are because of one single stroke of luck, because of one lucky break.

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Forget this stereotypical train of thought.

The fact that success has eluded you this entire time is not because you've been unlucky, but it's because the odds have been stacked against you from the very beginning.

You might even have had some vague idea of what it is that has been holding you back.

You might have thought that it had something to do with the world at large, that somehow there must be some grand cosmic-scale reason that you aren't destined for success, and thus you will never see a hint of success because you aren't meant for it.

The fact of the matter is, there is a reason why there are only a handful of people in history who are able to carve a name for themselves.

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These influential people possess the knowledge that the common man does not.

They possess the secret to success that civilizations have gone to war over; the wise men of old have seen the catastrophe that the coveting of such secrets will result in, and thus they thought it wise to hide such powerful knowledgo keep it from the general public to ensure that the delicate balance of power would ne from the public.

Imagine knowledge so coveted that even the Powers That Be had tot be compromised.

The Powers That Be would no longer hold any power over you if you knew their secret.

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