Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Does Your Cat Scratch a Lot?

Seeing your cat scratching could be an indication of fleas, ticks, grass seeds or a skin condition.
With both my cats, it can also indicate a grass seed or similar caught in the fur.
During the summer months both Tikki and Cassie will come in daily when I am working and rub against me, which is an indication that they want seeds removed from their tail or body.
This action is quite different to when they just want attention or to tell me it's time to knock off work for the day.
If your cat is unlucky enough to get a grass seed in its eye, take it straight to the vet.
This is not something you want to deal with yourself.
Fleas can be picked up from just about anywhere.
Another neighborhood cat or dog would be the most likely culprits.
If you find your cat does have a flea problem, check with your local pet store to see if there is a natural treatment available.
You don't want to be putting chemicals directly onto your cat's skin via a chemical flea collar or cream.
These treatments can make your cat quite ill and if you have a child who regularly pets the cat, the chemicals can easily be transferred onto the child's skin or into his or her mouth.
If your cat does have a flea problem, wash all the bedding your cat uses in water as hot as possible.
Vacuum the house (preferably twice) and all the furniture your cat uses.
Spray the outside areas with a natural insect repellent and hose down as well.
You might need to repeat the above instructions for a couple of weeks to make sure the cycle has been broken.
Your cat having fleas is one of the lesser joys of owning a cat.
Proper cat care in eliminating these pests is not hard, and is really just a part of make sure your cats health is optimum at all times.

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