How to Use Cedar to Get Rid of Moths in Clothing
- 1). Wash or dry-clean all clothing before storing. Laundering items in hot water or heating above 120 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes kills all stages of insects. Moths are attracted to clothes contaminated with food, sweat and hair and cannot complete their life cycle on clean fabrics.
- 2). Choose a cedar chest or closet that has 3/4-inch walls and is airtight. Tight construction of the cedar chest ensures the cedar oils do not evaporate and that the moth larvae are confined. Cedar chests will kill newly hatched or young worms.
- 3). Choose a container that is equally airtight as the preceding cedar chest for an alternative. Layer the container with cedar oil treated paper. Place cedar chips or cedar rectangles throughout.
- 4). Keep the container closed as much as possible. Protection is lost if opened frequently. The concentration of cedar-oil vapor hides the pheromones of the female during her weeklong mating period.
- 5). Store the cedar chest in a cool, dry area where temperatures remain below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, whenever possible. Humid, warm conditions allow clothes moths to thrive and multiply.
- 6). Check the clothes stored in the cedar chest every six months to look for signs of infestation of clothes moths. Pay special attention to pockets, seams and pleats where moths,eggs and larvae tend to hide.
- 7). Add new cedar wood chips or rectangles to older cedar chests. Cedar wood loses its vapor properties over time due to evaporation. Supplementing with cedar chips and rectangles ensures a stronger concentration of cedar vapors to be effective against moth infestation.
- 8). Purchase cedar from a lumber yard. Cut, sand and place in the storage container or older cedar chest. Sand the cedar every year or so to maintain its potency.
- 9). Purchase cedar shaving, stuff into a clean stocking or sachet and place in closets and drawers. Moths are discouraged from entering areas where cedar vapors are present. Replace cedar shavings as the vapors diminish over time.
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Brush clothing and expose it to sunlight once a year if it is not properly stored. Clothes moths seek dark areas to live and reproduce and are driven away or killed by direct sunlight.