Business & Finance Credit

A One Time Credit Report - Get Yours Free

You can get a one time credit report many ways.
I will show you how and what you should do after you have it to clean bad credit.
The 3 credit agencies will send each person a free report every year if requested.
To request this you can fill out a downloadable form and send it in, request it by phone or go online and request it which is the simplest method to get your one time report.
Get one at AnnualCreditReport online, and fill out the easy online request.
You will not receive your score though.
If you would like to receive your score another way or get a free one time report you only need to sigh up for one of the many online sites that offer free trial memberships.
You will receive a one time credit report and your credit score.
With your one time credit report in hand, let's see how we can clean it up and better your score.
oUse credit cards sparingly; over use, even if paid down each month can lower your credit.
Paying down the balance will help your credit.
oEnsure the limit listed for each card is your actual limit.
If any are lower then what it is supposed to be have them corrected by the credit card company as this will help your credit.
Use any older cards you have not used in awhile as card companies sometimes quit updating your credit if a card is inactive for a period.
oIf in good standing with a creditor and you have one or two occasional late payments some will eliminate them upon request.
o Look over the one time credit report for erroneous items.
If any do not belong to you or are over 7 years old, 10 for bankruptcy, these should be removed.
Mail these along with letters of explanation in to the agencies to have them eliminated.
Common mistakes; asking to have credit lines lowered.
This will reduce your debt-to-credit-ratio.
Consolidation of accounts; it is best having smaller balances then one big balance.
Do not try to get more credit, especially if you have enough.
You now know how to clean and improve your credit once your one time credit report arrives.

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