Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

The Month of Cancer, 2010

The cardinal energy of Cancer leads through the element of water, indicating that another season is upon us, as we gravitate to spending time in the flow of receptivity.
The Crab brings us to a sensitive nature urging the collective to bask in reflection.
The Magical Moon watches over this month that prefers we spend time in balancing our emotions, being with family, and our home environments.
An expert at taking care of others, Cancer owns the innate ability to nurture -whether through being a true parent or just to those they love- and protect whatever they cherish, while being careful not to be smothering.
Cancer's passage for 2010 is marked with some intense Zodiac transits.
As we celebrate the Full Moon on 26 June, a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn follows shortly after, setting off an insightful time in this area of the natal birth chart.
The Moon will have just conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which will bring an intense and serious transformative energy to the activities on the collective.
With a square from both Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, there is the urgency to thwart feelings of restriction, as our consciousness begins opening up to the true realizations of what we need to do to continue moving forward optimally.
Be prepared for the unexpected, but be sure to honor responsible and stable responses verses rebellious reactions over this passage.
Mercury is on the move bringing receptive, assimilating, and emotionally swayed energies to the collective's mentality and thinking from 25 June til 09 July as he speeds through Cancer.
Our Messenger now expresses communications through colorful and imaginative methods, and plenty of familiarity will guide ideas looking for security.
Don't get too clingy however as once in Leo through 27 July, thinking shifts to broader, self-sufficient, and creative adventures.
While Mercury journeys with the Lion, humility can be hard to find, as the collective gravitates to more authoritative and dignified means of letting its' message be known.
Your Cancer/Leo piece of the Zodiac Pie points to where a mental stimulation is ideally meant to emerge.
Virgos everywhere are officially finished with Saturn's lessons needing to be learned for another 28 years, as the planet of discipline enters Libra upon 21 July.
The world has been through the audit and discrimination process since the fall of 2007, and now, it's time to hone in on our one to one relationships as the next couple of years are spent in the balancing energies of The Scales.
In as much as struggles will be seen as the United States experiences another Saturn Return, it is the cultivation of harmony and diplomacy with those we are closest to that is anyone's personal responsibility.
Check where Libra falls in your natal birth chart to see which area of the life you are ultimately meant to develop a fair judgment, gain stability, and remain objective in response to the experiences that will unfold there through October 2012.
May you engage in the protective and paternal nature that is meant to aide you in not only securing what you cherish, but will allow your emotionally sensitivity to feel right at home.

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