Health & Medical Nutrition

How Many Calories Do I Need To Eat To Lose Weight? The Ultimate Question!

When it comes to dropping the pounds, the first place smart people look is the number of calories they are eating.  Some people don't bother with this.  They think they are just not eating the right stuff.  They are not working out enough.  If you understand the way your body works, you know the most important question to as is how many calories do I need to eat to lose weight?  I have an answer and it will probably shock you.

First, let's go over some numbers.  A person gains a pound when they eat 3500 more calories than they burn.  The brilliant dieticians of the world have discovered that a pound on a person gets either put on or taken off depending on what they do with that 3500 calories.  In other words, if you eat 3500 calories more than you burn with physical activity this week, you will gain one pound this week.  Yuck, right?  If you burn 3500 calories more than you ingest, you just lost a pound for the week.  Awesome, right?

Now that you understand that 3500 calories is the magic number, you can probably see why we are all heavy.  Burning that number of calories seems impossible, especially after an hour on the treadmill and the burn meter reads 500 calories!  

Here's that shocking answer you're looking for to how many calories you need to eat to lose weight:  Less.  That's right, less calories. You think I'm being goofy, but the truth is, less is all you need to worry about.  You don't have to count calories or keep track of how many you've burned.  Just eat less.

Of course, that is easier said than done.  But there is a great plan out there called the Half Meal Habit.  All you do is eat half meals throughout your day.  They suggest working out a little, too.  And by little, I mean 12 to 15 minutes 3 days a week.  That's it.  Finally, they want you to drink water at specific times throughout your day.  If you can handle eating half meals, working out for less than an hour per week, and guzzling the agua, you can follow this easy plan and lose the weight you've always wanted.  No starving.  No taboo foods.  It's amazing!

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