Little Known Facts About Pine Coffee Tables
Most people know that pine is a fragile soft wood.
Its density is such that microscopic organisms and substances can easily infiltrate it.
This also makes the wood susceptible to the drying and discoloring effects of sunlight as well as to rotting due to its moisture content.
This is why pine furniture cannot be used outdoors if you want it to last long.
Cool and Fragrant What you get from that fragility and softness is that pine tends to be cooler than other woods because it 'respires' or takes in moisture, at the same time exuding it.
In the process of 'respiring' pine exudes its own fragrance into the air.
Your pine coffee table will create an ambiance that reminds of the fresh and green outdoors because of its coolness and fragrance.
Resistant to Splintering Related to the fact that it is soft, pinewood does not crack or produce splinters.
They may dent occasionally but will never have fissures running along the grain.
This means that your pine coffee table will be kinder to the touch of delicate hands.
There will never be any possibility of your guests getting wounded by protruding slivers of the wood.
Easy to Embellish with Carvings The softness of pinewood allows it to be easily carved and molded to give it a fancy design.
You can have your pine coffee table easily custom crafted with designs that you yourself thought about.
In other words, the possibility that your pine table will be really one of its kinds is as close to realization as your own artful ideas and the skill of the wood craftsman Light and Portable Pinewood is lighter than hardwood.
It is therefore comparatively easy to move it from one portion of the room to another or from one room in the house to the next.
This provides you with greater flexibility in doing your furniture arrangement.
Pleasing and Easily Combined Color Tone Pine comes in soft brown tones that mix well with most color motifs.
The texture of the wood has its own distinctive and pleasing quality, which is sometimes very relaxing to look at.
Your pine coffee table will provide visual points in the room that serve to tone down and relax the atmosphere of the room.
It is precisely in this mood that a fine afternoon sipping coffee with your friends will need.
Affordable Prices Solid wooden furniture is always costly nowadays.
Pine is one of your cheaper options in this matter.
Although the wood is affordable, the look it has is far from mediocre.
It has a grain that is prominent yet pleasing to the eye.
The texture of the wood is attractive and very appropriate for serving a relaxing afternoon snack to your friends.
Durability With the proper precautions, your pine coffee table can last for long years, just like the many antique pine furniture that are being sold today.
You may probably have to have it treated with a coat of resin.
This will serve to protect it from the elements and from physical damage.
And because the wood itself is resinous, the coat of resin is very natural for it.
In other words, pine will require no more maintenance than other types of wood get in order to last for many years.
Its density is such that microscopic organisms and substances can easily infiltrate it.
This also makes the wood susceptible to the drying and discoloring effects of sunlight as well as to rotting due to its moisture content.
This is why pine furniture cannot be used outdoors if you want it to last long.
Cool and Fragrant What you get from that fragility and softness is that pine tends to be cooler than other woods because it 'respires' or takes in moisture, at the same time exuding it.
In the process of 'respiring' pine exudes its own fragrance into the air.
Your pine coffee table will create an ambiance that reminds of the fresh and green outdoors because of its coolness and fragrance.
Resistant to Splintering Related to the fact that it is soft, pinewood does not crack or produce splinters.
They may dent occasionally but will never have fissures running along the grain.
This means that your pine coffee table will be kinder to the touch of delicate hands.
There will never be any possibility of your guests getting wounded by protruding slivers of the wood.
Easy to Embellish with Carvings The softness of pinewood allows it to be easily carved and molded to give it a fancy design.
You can have your pine coffee table easily custom crafted with designs that you yourself thought about.
In other words, the possibility that your pine table will be really one of its kinds is as close to realization as your own artful ideas and the skill of the wood craftsman Light and Portable Pinewood is lighter than hardwood.
It is therefore comparatively easy to move it from one portion of the room to another or from one room in the house to the next.
This provides you with greater flexibility in doing your furniture arrangement.
Pleasing and Easily Combined Color Tone Pine comes in soft brown tones that mix well with most color motifs.
The texture of the wood has its own distinctive and pleasing quality, which is sometimes very relaxing to look at.
Your pine coffee table will provide visual points in the room that serve to tone down and relax the atmosphere of the room.
It is precisely in this mood that a fine afternoon sipping coffee with your friends will need.
Affordable Prices Solid wooden furniture is always costly nowadays.
Pine is one of your cheaper options in this matter.
Although the wood is affordable, the look it has is far from mediocre.
It has a grain that is prominent yet pleasing to the eye.
The texture of the wood is attractive and very appropriate for serving a relaxing afternoon snack to your friends.
Durability With the proper precautions, your pine coffee table can last for long years, just like the many antique pine furniture that are being sold today.
You may probably have to have it treated with a coat of resin.
This will serve to protect it from the elements and from physical damage.
And because the wood itself is resinous, the coat of resin is very natural for it.
In other words, pine will require no more maintenance than other types of wood get in order to last for many years.