Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

Why You Should Think About Professional Will Writing Today

Anyone who has ever gone through the process of handling someone's estate after death will understand the importance of using a professional will writing service when thinking about making their own will.
For those people who luckily have never had to go through the probate process in the UK, it would be difficult to believe how fraught with complications it can be unless the deceased had the foresight, when living, to have their affairs put in order.
Because so many people don't want to think about death, will writing tends to be something that younger people don't progress until much later on in life.
From the moment you get married or co-habit with someone or have children you should act responsibly by getting a professional to write up your will.
You may not get run over by a bus tomorrow or be involved in a fatal car crash but the possibility is there for all of us and if you die without making a will the government will be in control of, and decide what happens to, your estate.
There is a misapprehension about the term "common law partner" in the UK.
A marriage in common law does not exist and when people co-habit or live together they have very few rights in comparison to people who have officially married or formed a civil partnership.
This particularly applies in terms of the death of someone you are living with and what happens to you as a result of it.
Professional will writing can ensure that your partner is taken care of after your death with rights to live in or inherit your property.
Without a will your partner will have absolutely no rights and the government will look for the closest blood relative or even a distant one, without considering your partner at all.
There are certain legal issues that need to be taken into account also in the preparation of a will.
Just one of them relates to executors that you appoint to administer your estate.
If an executor witnesses a will he or she cannot benefit from it, so if you have downloaded a standard will form from the internet or purchased one from a stationers, this is something to consider.
Probate laws in the UK have rarely been updated and complications that can arise from not having a correctly written will can be both time consuming and costly, at a time when most people can ill afford the expense of legal representation, funeral costs and other related matters.
In addition, grief impairs us from acting in a logical or well thought out manner when dealing with bereavement.
The benefits of employing an online professional will writing service are immense.
It primarily ensures that your will is correctly drawn up and in addition they may offer other services such as storing your will and issuing you with plastic cards to give to your beneficiaries, so that they are aware of where to find your will in the event of your death.
You will also be able to amend your will as things change throughout the course of your life.
The time to think about will writing as an adult is today, no matter what your circumstances are, if you want to protect those that you love.

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