Common Troubleshooting Tips On Iexplore Error
Sometimes, while you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you might encounter a certain error that says:
IEXPLORE.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created.
When you encounter this type of error, there are usually three things that have caused this in your computer. First is that ZoneAlarm could be installed in your computer. When this happens, you have no other choice but to uninstall ZoneAlarm from your computer.
Quarterdeck CleanSweep is possibly installed in your computer before you switched to a version that is later Windows 2000 and above. If this is the case, the solution is still the same, you have to uninstall it, but this time, you can re-install Quarterdeck CleanSweep again.
When the first two programs are not present and you are still not able to troubleshoot this iexplore error, you have to try to make an attempt to find which programs installed in your computer are not compatible with your current version of Windows then uninstall them. One way to do this in one sweep is to back up all of the programs that you think are essential and then reformat your computer. Be sure to keep only the ones that are very important. Return the backed-up programs to your PC and see if you will no longer encounter an iexplore error. If you still did, then it means that the program or programs causing this error is in the back-up. Since this is the case, you must look for the one which happens to be incompatible with your version of Windows and then remove it from your computer. Do this process repeatedly until you no longer encounter any iexplore error.
Another iexplore error that you might encounter would be the one that says:
Application ERROR: the instruction at 0x62304390 referenced memory at '0x62304390 the memory could be read
Click ok to terminate the Program
When you encounter this kind of error, the solution is actually pretty simple. First, you have to make sure that you are running Internet Explorer as the administrator of the PC, if not, then you have to log in as the administrator since it is the only account that will be able to fix this error. After logging in as the administrator now, run Internet Explorer. Go to Tools, then to Internet Options. After that look for the Advanced option then click it. Finally, there you will see a check box that says "Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks." You have to uncheck this box in order to remove that error.
That checkbox is originally meant to prevent online viruses, Trojans, and other unwanted and invasive programs. However, since most computers have an anti-virus program installed in them, you don't need to activate that option. Just be sure that before you uncheck that box, you actually have an anti-virus program in your computer, else, your computer might be very susceptible to online attacks as that option says.
IEXPLORE.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created.
When you encounter this type of error, there are usually three things that have caused this in your computer. First is that ZoneAlarm could be installed in your computer. When this happens, you have no other choice but to uninstall ZoneAlarm from your computer.
Quarterdeck CleanSweep is possibly installed in your computer before you switched to a version that is later Windows 2000 and above. If this is the case, the solution is still the same, you have to uninstall it, but this time, you can re-install Quarterdeck CleanSweep again.
When the first two programs are not present and you are still not able to troubleshoot this iexplore error, you have to try to make an attempt to find which programs installed in your computer are not compatible with your current version of Windows then uninstall them. One way to do this in one sweep is to back up all of the programs that you think are essential and then reformat your computer. Be sure to keep only the ones that are very important. Return the backed-up programs to your PC and see if you will no longer encounter an iexplore error. If you still did, then it means that the program or programs causing this error is in the back-up. Since this is the case, you must look for the one which happens to be incompatible with your version of Windows and then remove it from your computer. Do this process repeatedly until you no longer encounter any iexplore error.
Another iexplore error that you might encounter would be the one that says:
Application ERROR: the instruction at 0x62304390 referenced memory at '0x62304390 the memory could be read
Click ok to terminate the Program
When you encounter this kind of error, the solution is actually pretty simple. First, you have to make sure that you are running Internet Explorer as the administrator of the PC, if not, then you have to log in as the administrator since it is the only account that will be able to fix this error. After logging in as the administrator now, run Internet Explorer. Go to Tools, then to Internet Options. After that look for the Advanced option then click it. Finally, there you will see a check box that says "Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks." You have to uncheck this box in order to remove that error.
That checkbox is originally meant to prevent online viruses, Trojans, and other unwanted and invasive programs. However, since most computers have an anti-virus program installed in them, you don't need to activate that option. Just be sure that before you uncheck that box, you actually have an anti-virus program in your computer, else, your computer might be very susceptible to online attacks as that option says.