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What the Heck is Feng Shui?

According to Chinese culture, good health is directly related to water and wind. The result is that good Feng Shui is related to good fortune, while bad Feng Shui is related to good fortune.

Feng Shui (the actual pronunciation is Fung Shway) is an ancient Eastern philosophy that is concerned with the layout of villages, cities, buildings and dwellings. It provides information on how to balance the energies of a space to guarantee wealth and health of those who occupy those spaces.

The origin of this discipline can be traced back to the Taoist perception of nature, specifically the premise that the earth is filled with Chi (energy). In ancient China, the idea was that this energy was the key to either being successful or being a failure. Some of the original components adopted from Taoism include the five Feng Shui elements as well as the popular theories of Yin (feminine and passive energy) and Yang (which is masculine and hot).

A geomancer is a Feng Shui expert who will decide what aspects of a house or dwelling are not in balance. He or she will do this by consulting your Chinese horoscope along with utilizing intricate mathematical calculations from the I Ching (Book of Changes)

This philosophy has many uses including helping to decide the architectural design, features, and construction of a building or dwelling along with the location. In addition, it can be used as a resource for the style of furniture you choose along with where you place it. In reality, it is used by many to create a more pleasing atmosphere including lighting, plants and much more. Many businesses take advantage of this advice to improve employee morale, and improve sales, while families attempt to improve communication, health, and monetary gain.

The principles of Feng Shui can be applied to any type of building and used for any style of decorating, not just Asian examples. It has been around for over 3000 years and is continually gaining in popularity especially in the United States. If you are struggling in one or more areas of your life, perhaps you should investigate these principles.

Do you want to learn more about Feng Shui? If so, please visit http://fengbedroom.com and start improving your life today!

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