Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Natural Yeast Infection Treatment for Pregnant Women

When you're pregnant and you have something wrong with you, then it's your mother's natural instinct to do everything you can to protect your child. So, when you are suffering from a horrible yeast infection you want to make sure that you can eliminate it without causing any harm to to your baby. Here you'll hear of 2 natural treatments that have proven to be effective.

The first thing you need to do as a pregnant women is to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis of yeast infection. Then, once confirmed, you can discuss the pro's and con's of various treatments that shouldn't affect baby. Mainstream over-the-counter and prescribed medications are usually drug-based and can work to get rid of the symptoms of yeast infection given enough time. Your doctor will advise on which is right for you.

But there are very many expectant mothers out there who don't want to use any drug-based medications for fear of harming their baby. Nevertheless, still talk to your doctor for guidance but, by all means, talk to them about natural yeast infection treatment options that you can safely use.

It is clear that more and more pregnant women are looking to natural treatments for their infections. But, I repeat, please clear them with your doctor first. To help you on your way, here are 2 natural home remedies that are proving pretty popular:-

1. Many pregnant women use natural yogurt to help get rid of their symptoms. But it must be un-sweetened with no added fruit etc. As a guide it should say something like 'contains live active cultures.' These are good bacteria that can fight the Candida albicans fungi that cause yeast infection symptoms.

Eat plain, natural yogurt everyday. Plus, apply it to the affected area showing the symptoms. For internal use you can liberally coat a tampon and leave in place overnight. Repeat nightly until your symptoms abate, plus another couple of nights to make sure.

2. Pregnant women with yeast (Candida) infections should also reduce their sugar intake, as the Candida fungi needs this to feed and grow on. So reduce or avoid stuff like honey, cakes, sweets, chocolate, sugar, artificial sweeteners, syrup, ice-cream, dried and tinned fruit. You should also avoid processed foods as most of them have sugar in them.

Discuss the above treatment options with your doctor and follow their advice. However, there are many other natural yeast infection treatments out there. And there are also many other ways that can help, such as some lifestyle and dietary changes that can increase the speed at which you can recover from your infection, and can also help to prevent future / recurring yeast infections. See below...

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