Business & Finance Small Business

What"s Your Vision?

I had to take the red-eye flight to Melbourne recently, which as many of you will know involves getting up at what feels like the middle of the night.
So as my alarm went off at 4.
30 and I hit snooze at least 3 times, I really didn't want to get out of the comfort of my bed.
I could have quite happily stayed there just that little bit longer.
And I felt like this all morning, feeling a bit sorry for myself that I had had to get up so early, and deprived of my all important sleep.
I even felt hard done by that I didn't manage to get in a quick power nap on the plane.
But as we touched down in Melbourne, and went off for a nice breakfast and I realised that it was only 8.
30, my mindset changed dramatically.
Suddenly I didn't feel deprived anymore, instead I felt really pleased to have gotten up so early to allow me to make the most of my time.
Had I got later flight I would have missed half the day.
Sure I may have had some pleasure in the short term, but it would have cost me in the long term.
I wasn't really focusing on the bigger picture.
And I guess it's the same with many small business owners.
Often they dream of bigger and better things, and know they could improve their business, but they focus on the short term.
They are more concerned with "how much will it cost", or "will I have the time", or "will it be too difficult" that they stay stuck where they are.
The one's who succeed in life and business, are those that focus on the bigger picture, and then take action to get there.
So think about your own business.
Allow your imagination to run wild for just a minute, and dream big.
What is the ultimate vision you have for your business? Would it be worth some sacrifices in the short term to achieve your goal? Can you focus enough on that big picture to allow it to drive you when the going gets tough? Try having a vision board, where you pin pictures of all the things you want in life, so that when you feel like a quick, easy instant gratification hit you can remind yourself what you will be missing out on.
Put it somewhere where you will see it constantly, day in, day out.
When you are able to focus on your long term goals as opposed to the instant gratification that we all sometimes seek, I guarantee you can move your business onto the next level.

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