Health & Medical Women's Health

Spider Veins and What You Should Know About Them

The chances of you developing spider veins later in life are quite high.
However, although this condition can affect just about anyone it seems to be a problem that more women are faced with than men.
Although most people find that they are able to live with the problem quite easily, there are plenty of others who would prefer to rid themselves of them.
But before treatment can begin there are certain things that you should know about this particular skin disorder.
Below we take a look at just what some of these things are.
Although this type of disorder can occur to people at any stage of their lives generally they begin to form normally after a person is in their 40's or 50's.
The reason for this is that as we get older the skin on our body becomes a great deal thinner as it loses some of your collagen.
Because of this the spider veins have the opportunity to then show through.
Above we have shown who is likely to suffer from this disorder but now let us take a look at what actually causes these spider veins to appear.
As well as our skin becoming thinner as we grow older so the walls and valves within the veins become weakened.
As a result blood is able to flow back through the veins the way it has originally come and causes it to build up in certain parts of them.
Although nothing is noticeable initially over time the build up of blood then become visible.
Even though other parts of the body can suffer from this disorder it seems to be a problem that mainly affects a person's legs.
The reason why the legs are so susceptible is because they not only have to bear the weight of your body but also the task of carrying blood up from your feet to your heart is a lot harder.
Because of the amount of pressure being placed on the legs sometimes they simply don't have the strength to cope with the situation and finally this results in the valves within the veins failing.
What you must realize is that although these may look similar in some respects to varicose veins they are completely different.
So of course the kind of treatment that will need to be provided to deal with the disorder is completely different also.
In fact the treatments that are used today for dealing with this particular disorder are proving extremely effective.
However it does require the person suffering from the problem to undergo some form of surgical procedure.
The procedures that are most frequently used to treat spider veins today are laser therapy or Sclerotherapy.
The first one requires strong bursts of light to be directed at the veins affected and this helps to destroy the blockage within them.
Whereas the second course of treatment requires a specialist solution to be injected into the vein that is affected.
Once injected it takes some time but eventually the vein will close and then die.

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