Business & Finance Outsourcing

Call Center Myths

People who work in a call center for quite sometime will experience a new lifestyle which they did not experience before.
Working in a call center has a different environment compared to an ordinary job routine which usually starts from 9 am to 5 pm.
In a call center, the normal shift starts at 8 pm until the wee hours with different shifts given to the call center agents.
Whether or not they're going to like the schedule, they have nothing to do with that to change it.
These people were oriented about their flexibility in accepting schedules, which is one of the policies imposed in working to any call centers.
First thing they'll notice is the change of their sleeping habit or most people call it as biological clock.
While we used to sleep in the evening time, call center agents are usually catching up in gaining their sleeping time in the morning.
They are tired and continue to adjust their struggle to sleep at daytime.
However, when they used to it, seems that they adjust with their respective ticking sleeping clock.
Another myth that the agents may encounter is stress.
Telephoning job is a word of mouth however this may bring a lot of stress to call center people.
Most of them will commonly deal with the number of irate clients.
Since the calls are strictly monitored, agents are doing their best to be nice with their customers no matter what will happen.
If the situation cannot be handled by the agents, you can simply call the assistance of the supervisors or team leaders to let the call handled by them.
Some unfriendly customers don't care if they're angry because they can say any words they want to say.
Customers showed this kind of attitude because they are disappointed with the products they purchased, or they received overcharged payment slip in their respective bills.
Understanding their situations should be done accordingly and nicely.
It is very common scene that agents usually lit a cigarette during their break, which is one way of releasing the tension and stress from taking bad calls from the customers.
Call center agents are also fond of eating in some of the finest restaurants just a walking distance from their respective centers.
You will also notice that men and women like to show off their latest trendy fashion.
Fashionable items like men's wear and women's get up will amaze you.
Women will usually in their hottest look because of their make-up and other accessories they put on their body to make it look glamorous and seductive.
Men, on the other hand, will usually wear their expensive accessories and their great haircut which will amaze their colleagues.
Because agents are receiving higher salaries and benefits, they like buying things they want.
Sometimes they forget to save for their own.
However, those agents who are supporting their families can send bigger amount of money.
There are so many myths about call center.
These are mixed with good and bad however, it is a matter of discipline in practicing these myths.
It is our common knowledge that we are grateful that call center industry continue to be the leading industry in part of the world especially in the Philippines.

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