Health & Medical Health Care

Stop That Runaway Charlie Horse

Ever had this happen to you: you're sound asleep - or engaged in more productive activities - and suddenly, without warning an alligator grabs you and tries to rip your calf muscle out of your leg! Or so it feels.
Now I know what the poor victims in the 'Alien' movies felt like when the alien ripped through the stomach.
It hurts like hell.
For hours on end.
Ruins your day.
It happened to me especially bad early one morning, about 6 am.
It felt like someone had a pair of vise grips and was trying to rip out my calf muscle.
I screamed in pain and scared the hell out of Karen.
Woke her up for sure.
What's the matter? she asked through bleary eyes.
Charlie horse I screamed! Or was it cursed? Don't touch me.
Don't try and rub it or push it back in! For sure I was still screaming.
I mean, it was really bad.
I couldn't step on the foot.
Couldn't shake it loose.
Nothing! I kept screaming.
Karen said if I wanted to stop the pain and end the charlie horse she would tell me what to do.
Yeah, sure, what.
? She told me.
And I got really ticked.
If you think you're funny! You're not! It hurts like crazy! and if you think I'm going to laugh at your stupid joke ...
she interrupted me ...
long enough to tell me she was not joking and was not making fun of me, and if I really wanted to stop the pain, now, just let her know and she would repeat the process.
I was truly desperate.
Joke or no joke, I had to give it a try.
OK, say it again.
And again Karen instructed me.
As I lay back in bed, I grabbed my upper lip between thumb and finger of each hand, (Now you know why I thought she was making fun of me) and squeezed hard.
I thought to myself, this had better work or so help me ...
hey, the pain is easing up! Wow! Hey, thanks, Karen! It really works! And so it does.
"Crazy" isn't it? Just grab your upper lip in between your thumb and next finger and press hard.
Every time I have a charlie horse, I silently thank Karen for sharing that info with me.
Epilogue: Here is your chance to thank ME whenever you have a charlie horse.
Quite by coincidence, one time I had a charlie horse, without thinking, I automatically pulled back the sheets, grabbed my lip and squeezed hard.
But this time, as I squeezed, I turned my feet so they went to the floor and I was in a sitting position, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Karen's method took care of the charlie horse in about a minute.
What happened my way, with feet in sitting position as I squeezed my upper lip, was that the pain subsided and I was back to 'nearly normal' within 15 or 20 seconds! Now, a word of warning, regardless of which method you use: Do Not suddenly release the pressure on your lip! If you do ...
wham! It's back with full force.
When you are feeling better, and relaxed, gently begin to release the pressure.
If you feel the horse coming back to kick you, apply more pressure, then repeat the process.
After it is gone you can either go back to bed if it's too early to get up, or go about your business if it is time to get up.
Treat the leg a bit more gentle than usual, but you won't have to pamper it.
And, oh, yeah, don't forget to thank me.
My name is Mike.

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