Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Compact Flash Cards and Camera Battery Replacements Take Amateur Photography To The Next Level

Even amateur photographers have a lot of equipment to worry about these days.
Used to be you'd stop at the local general store or perhaps a chain pharmacy and you'd plop down five or six bucks on a little cardboard camera for the family trip to the beach or Grandpa Joe's 78th birthday party.
Now though, we need bags and bags of expensive and technologically advanced photo equipment to keep what amounts to an impromptu semi-professional photo shoot of your new borns first taste of ice cream.
Luckily most of that equipment is fairly compact.
Memory flash cards and camera battery replacements for example are mostly pretty light and definitely necessary.
A flash card will allow you to preserve more than just one moment.
Days and days of photos can load up your compact flash cards, allowing you to dial into exactly where you were on said day for as long as you live.
When your Nikon camera battery dies you're gonna need a back up or three depending on the kind of photographer you are.
I myself love to keep the camera running.
I hate to miss a surprise entrance from an unannounced guest like when cousin Casey came in all the way from Delaware, or classic mishaps like the time Mom dropped the ice-cream cake down Uncle Rob's back.
What a hilarious mess! So glad we have several great shots of it happening as well as shots of Mom and Rob hugging, which made the mess even more unbearably hilarious.
After all the photos are taken everyone knows the whole family is going to be clamoring for copies.
Luckily you've stocked up on paper and ribbon.
The wide availability of high quality photo printers in homes has made amateur photography just as glossy and glamorous as high fashion photography in Vogue or Vanity Fair.
The jeans Aunt Maureen has on may not have cost a thousand dollars but on inkjet photo paper they look like a million bucks.
And that's a great thing.
Your family deserves to be preserved on high quality photo printer paper.
They're high quality people and their love must be preserved in ink.
The advances in personal photo technology are excellent for people enthusiastic about preserving their memories and isn't that everyone?! I know it includes me.
Family and friends change but now there is no reason to not have a ton of evidence of what's come before.
We live in great times.
We should all be lucky enough to remember them.

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