How to Stop Harassing Phone Instantly
This is simple.
Just hang up.
Don't say a word.
Put the phone back on the receiver.
At this point most collectors will call back thinking they may have been disconnected.
If they do call again simply say "I am invoking my rights under the fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Do not call me again.
You are instructed to communicate with me in writing only.
Here's another method that works too.
Everybody has called their phone, cable or electric company for example and experienced the "voice" telling them "This phone call may be recorded for quality control and training purposes only".
Did you know you can turn this tactic to your advantage? If the local utilities can record your phone call, why then cannot you do the same to a bill collector? You can.
All you have to do is tell them you are doing it.
They can then choose to continue the call or hang up.
If you don't already own one get yourself a simple answering machine.
I think Radio Shack has them for about $20.
Now put this message on it.
" Your call is very important.
Your call is being recorded.
Please leave a message and we will return your call.
" Want to guess what happens when a bill collector hears this? You will nothing but the click as they hang up.
This really works.
I cannot stress this point enough.
, unless of course you enjoy getting harassing calls during dinner or when you are having a meeting at work.
Do not worry if you think you might be breaking any laws by not talking.
The law is in place to protect you and keep the collectors honest.
If you have been following my series of articles on credit repair then I humbly thank you.
It may seem a bit overwhelming, especially when you may be trying to get your life back in order after whatever event that caused your credit to go south in the first place.
Stick with it.
If you are trying to get a home or car loan then you have to take matters in hand.
The things I am teaching you have proven to work.
In my next article I'll show you what to do if you have any vehicle repossessions on your credit report.
Just hang up.
Don't say a word.
Put the phone back on the receiver.
At this point most collectors will call back thinking they may have been disconnected.
If they do call again simply say "I am invoking my rights under the fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Do not call me again.
You are instructed to communicate with me in writing only.
Here's another method that works too.
Everybody has called their phone, cable or electric company for example and experienced the "voice" telling them "This phone call may be recorded for quality control and training purposes only".
Did you know you can turn this tactic to your advantage? If the local utilities can record your phone call, why then cannot you do the same to a bill collector? You can.
All you have to do is tell them you are doing it.
They can then choose to continue the call or hang up.
If you don't already own one get yourself a simple answering machine.
I think Radio Shack has them for about $20.
Now put this message on it.
" Your call is very important.
Your call is being recorded.
Please leave a message and we will return your call.
" Want to guess what happens when a bill collector hears this? You will nothing but the click as they hang up.
This really works.
I cannot stress this point enough.
, unless of course you enjoy getting harassing calls during dinner or when you are having a meeting at work.
Do not worry if you think you might be breaking any laws by not talking.
The law is in place to protect you and keep the collectors honest.
If you have been following my series of articles on credit repair then I humbly thank you.
It may seem a bit overwhelming, especially when you may be trying to get your life back in order after whatever event that caused your credit to go south in the first place.
Stick with it.
If you are trying to get a home or car loan then you have to take matters in hand.
The things I am teaching you have proven to work.
In my next article I'll show you what to do if you have any vehicle repossessions on your credit report.