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Top 6 Tutorials for Painting Baby"s Room

Healthy Nursery Painting
When preparing the nursery for your newborn baby, you want the room to be a safe, warm, loving place.But paint can be give off harmful fumes even after it dries, it can harbor bacteria and not clean up very well. Neither you nor I want that for your baby's room!
Well here are my 5 top picks on painting that will explain all about paint, how to pick a safe and healthy paint for the nursery and even explain how to easily paint the room! (Plus Top Pick #6 just for fun)

1. Baby Safe Wall Paint

Learn about the dangers of VOC's found in typical paints, especially oil based paints.I'll tell you about alternative paints on the market that are safe for baby and you.More »

2. Ceramic Wall Paint

A newer alternative wall paint that provides low VOC content, excellent scrubbability, high hiding and mold, mildew and bacteria protection is Ceramic Paint.This is an excellent choice for baby's room!More »

3. What is Paint Anyway?

You spend hours picking the right color and preparing the room and then painting.But do you know what this stuff is anyway?Well, this tutorial will explain it all to you.More »

4. How to Use a Paint Brush

Oh yeah, it sounds easy.But did you know there is a real technique to properly using a paint brush?Well after reading this tutorial you'll know all the secrets of the pros!More »

5. How to Paint a Room

This one brings it all together for you.This tutorial will give you the secrets of how to properly paint a room and what steps to do in what order.It helps make short work of getting baby's room ready!More »

6. Children's Italian and Nursery Rhymes

And once the room is all painted and baby is nestled safely in the crib, to give baby a little international flavor I've also included top pick #6 "Children's Italian and Nursery Rhymes" from our About Guide to Italian Language. Then you can tell baby "Come sei bella" (How beautiful you are!)More »

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