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Wedding Photography, A Warning To All Of You Brides To Be

This morning started off like any other. I woke up and got on my computer to catch up on the day's events. While looking over the headlines the words "frustrated brides" caught my eye. The article was talking about a bride's worst nightmare: Never receiving her wedding photography.

When I read this I just got upset. As a recent bride myself, I cannot imagine never receiving my wedding pictures. All of the moments captured at weddings are irreplaceable. There are the images of the bride with her girls prior to her walk down the aisle. There of course is the sweetest of all kisses at the altar with the man she loves. And then there is the party afterward celebrating this beautiful new marriage. Through these images brides are able to go back to that special day where they married the man of their dreams. Photographs help us remember all the special events in our lives, and no event is more precious than your wedding day.

The article talks about how a wedding photographer will not give her client(s) any of her wedding pictures. The client paid for the photography upfront, but once the wedding was over the photographer disappeared. Unfortunately this is not isolated incident. Of course now the bride is extremely upset, betrayed, and angry. Yes, she is frustrated about the money she paid up front, but more importantly are her images which are priceless. She has tried consistently to contact the photographer about her images. As of now, she still has received no images from her beautiful wedding day.

When I read this article it was a reminder yet again of how important the decision is when it comes to choosing the right wedding photographer. When you are looking for your wedding photographer consider the following:

1. Ask for references. The best way to get to know your potential wedding photographer is to talk to brides who have already used them for their special day. Ask the photographers you are looking at for a few names of brides you can contact about their wedding photography experience. If the photographer declines, walk away. Any quality honest photographer will have no problem giving you a couple contacts. Because of the importance of weddings, you will find that most brides will be extremely blunt about their vendors, and you will quickly get an idea if this is the right fit for you.

2. Read the contract thoroughly. When you receive the contract and Terms and Conditions, make sure you read the entire documents. There is important information in these documents that you do not want to skim over.

3. Ask you potential photographer about turn-around times on proofs, prints, DVDs, and wedding albums. Make sure this information is listed in your contract as well.

Choosing your wedding photographer is one of the biggest decisions of your wedding day, because it is through their lenses that your special moments will be remembered. Not only do you want someone talented, but you want someone who is honest and trustworthy.

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