Health & Medical Mental Health

The Many Causes Of Anxiety Disorders

The world we live in is full of worries and problems; this is what culminates into fear, which eventually leads to anxiety.
At some point we are even able to notice when the level of fear is too high.
This is characterized by sweating and uneasiness.
Even the most hardened souls succumb to anxiety when fear grips them.
Though fear is not the only cause of anxiety, it plays a very crucial role in triggering anxiety attacks.
Some disorders are psychological and are known to trigger anxiety attacks.
Acne is cited as the main trigger of anxiety among teenagers and young adults.
It is ranked as the main cause of anxiety in countries such as United States of America and other countries in Europe.
It is easier to explain why it triggers anxiety to the teenagers; they are in a crucial stage where social development and peer acceptance plays a prominent role in their psychology.
Acne and other skin infections frustrates the achievement of these goals, compromising their social positions and consequently it causes anxiety to the teenagers.
Another cause of anxiety is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
OCD is known to trigger anxiety especially if the object of obsession has anything to do with being harmed or harming others.
In this situation, the individual will be obsessed with doing anything possible which can guarantee his safety or the safety of others.
He will be anxious of finding himself in a place he perceives as dangerous.
Those who are obsessed with inflicting pain on others are even more anxious for there is a conflict between the norms of the society and these desires.
The fear of being obese is another noted cause of anxiety among young women.
They are worried of becoming shapeless; the asset they think will help them secure future husbands.
The fear will generate anxiety, which triggers the disorder.
Peer pressure and self-perception makes matters worse, unfounded fear and anxiety phobias also cause weight disorders.
It makes a person excessively worried especially if the phobia is a threat.
Research shows that some specific phobias are more effective in causing weight disorders than others.
If the phobia is a direct result of a traumatic experience in early years, it can make him develop anxious feelings in the long term.
The main examples of phobia that have this sort of effect on certain types of individuals are agoraphobia and claustrophobia.
Efforts should be directed at controlling and limiting the causes of anxiety if we intend to manage anxiety disorders.

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