Health & Medical Women's Health

An Introduction to Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has been around for decades, but one that has also changed drastically with some of the major technological advances that have happened in the past few years.
While any type of liposuction used to involve true surgery and full anesthesia, there are many methods now that are considered low impact or "non surgical" in nature.
These methods are becoming increasingly popular because of lower costs, increased safety, and a much easier recovery time.
Liposuction can be performed on many different parts of the body, and some people are often surprised at how many actual types of procedures there are.
There are surgeries for the ankle, knee, leg, thigh, stomach, arm, neck, face, male breasts, and buttocks, just to name a few.
No matter what part of the body is holding onto a little bit of extra fat you don't want, there is likely a specific cosmetic procedure aimed at toning and sculpting.
There are a few obvious disadvantages to liposuction, however.
For one, it's a "tone up" type of surgery, not one that is designed to help heavily obese people drop a lot of weight.
Patients who are heavily obese will often get denied by plastic surgeons, because that is not what lipo is designed for.
Another is price.
Even the more inexpensive non surgical options will cost several thousands of dollars, and there are specific procedures that will cost over ten grand, so it's not cheap.
But for individuals who can afford it, cosmetic surgery like liposuction can provide a good way to tone up the body and get rid of those extra fatty deposits that have overstayed their welcome.

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