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Providing Disability Compensation

Disability can happen to anyone. But, workers who are exposed to too many hazardous conditions in their workplace have greater chances of having injuries that could lead to a disability or impairment.

Because of this, most workers acquire insurance policies that cover disability compensation so that their future is secured if ever they meet an unfortunate accident that would take away their means of income.

Social Security Administration

The federal government offers programs under the Social Security Administration which provide assistance to disabled workers. These programs include benefits for those whose income is not enough and to workers who have paid their social security taxes.

One of these programs is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) which gives financial help to the elderly, the blind, and the disabled. Income of those who will apply for SSI must be proven to be limited.

The other program is the Social Security disability benefits which require the disability to be long-term or more or less permanent.

Social Security Disability Benefits

This covers workers and certain family members once they have paid enough social security taxes for a period of time. To qualify as disabled, certain requirements must be met such as ones condition must be serious or it is predicted to last for at least one year.


To apply for these benefits, eligible workers can log on to SSAs official website where they can download a form which they can submit online. They can also call the toll-free number for any inquiries and assistance regarding application for disability compensation.


Here are beneficiaries who can also be covered by SSDI:

Spouse aged over 62

Spouse caring for the workers child who is less than 16 years old.

Unmarried child / grandchild under the age of 18.

Unmarried child if he incurred the disability before the age of 22.


Workers must present the following to SSA upon their application for disability compensation:

Copy of Recent W-2 Form or federal tax return for the precedent year.

Social Security number

Birth / baptismal Certificate

Contact details and information on your doctors and specialists who diagnosed and treats your condition.

Complete medical records including dates of each visit, medications, and treatments.

Results of physical and laboratory tests.

Detailed summary of work experience.

Submission of necessary forms submitted by the claimant and his doctors.

Rejected Applicants

Process for these claims may last for months as the SSA thoroughly reviews all the necessary documents of an applicant before approving disability compensation. But then, some applicants are rejected because of some technicalities. It is encourage that they appeal their case with the help of expert lawyers.

Need for Lawyers

Some lose hope after being rejected of their claims. They must know that the SSA rejects more than half of its yearly applicants and most of them appeal and receive the benefits they deserve.

Rejected applicants who believe that they are deserving of the Social Security Disability Benefits must immediately consult their case with an expert social security attorney in their region.

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