Crohn"s Disease Pregnancy: Can I Still Have Children When I Have Crohn"s Disease?
Being male or female the good news is that you can have children safely when you have Crohn's Disease.
Fertility rates for women with Crohn's Disease are around the same as woman that are in normal health.
If you have a flare up, being a woman your fertility could be lower than normal.
Some medications can affect your fertility which can make having children harder.
Medications like sulfasalazine (Azulfadine), can cause temporary infertility in about 60% of men.
When you stop using this medication for around two months fertility should be back to normal again.
If you want to have children and you are on medication, talk to your doctor first so you take the correct steps, to ensure the best chance of you or your partner getting pregnant.
Working with your doctor in this area is best to be sure you are doing what you need to ensure your safety and that of your baby.
Risks for miscarriage, still births and congenital abnormality are the same as everyone else in the population, no increased risk has been found due to Crohn's Disease.
Keep in mind that normal couples can have issues getting pregnant, about 1 in 7 couples have issues with fertility.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it may not be because you or your partner has Crohn's Disease.
The best time to try and get pregnant is when you are in remission as your body is stronger.
When you have a flare up, if you are not eating properly and are quite thin, this can affect fertility.
Having a baby is not as easy when your body is in this state.
Falling pregnant when you have bad inflammation or a flare up could make for a more problematic time for you throughout your pregnancy.
You can go through pregnancy and get on just fine, be sure to take the right steps with your doctor or other health care professional to ensure the process will be a smooth one.
If you do have fears about Crohn's Disease pregnancy, go to your local CD and Ulcerative Colitis support group.
They will be able to give you information about pregnancy.
Ask them if they could put you in contact with some women who have already been through the pregnancy process.
This could help to settle any fears and put your mind at ease about the whole pregnancy process.
Fertility rates for women with Crohn's Disease are around the same as woman that are in normal health.
If you have a flare up, being a woman your fertility could be lower than normal.
Some medications can affect your fertility which can make having children harder.
Medications like sulfasalazine (Azulfadine), can cause temporary infertility in about 60% of men.
When you stop using this medication for around two months fertility should be back to normal again.
If you want to have children and you are on medication, talk to your doctor first so you take the correct steps, to ensure the best chance of you or your partner getting pregnant.
Working with your doctor in this area is best to be sure you are doing what you need to ensure your safety and that of your baby.
Risks for miscarriage, still births and congenital abnormality are the same as everyone else in the population, no increased risk has been found due to Crohn's Disease.
Keep in mind that normal couples can have issues getting pregnant, about 1 in 7 couples have issues with fertility.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it may not be because you or your partner has Crohn's Disease.
The best time to try and get pregnant is when you are in remission as your body is stronger.
When you have a flare up, if you are not eating properly and are quite thin, this can affect fertility.
Having a baby is not as easy when your body is in this state.
Falling pregnant when you have bad inflammation or a flare up could make for a more problematic time for you throughout your pregnancy.
You can go through pregnancy and get on just fine, be sure to take the right steps with your doctor or other health care professional to ensure the process will be a smooth one.
If you do have fears about Crohn's Disease pregnancy, go to your local CD and Ulcerative Colitis support group.
They will be able to give you information about pregnancy.
Ask them if they could put you in contact with some women who have already been through the pregnancy process.
This could help to settle any fears and put your mind at ease about the whole pregnancy process.