Business & Finance Taxes

What Is A State Wage Garnishment

A garnishment is one of many methods a creditor can use to seek repayment of an outstanding tax liability. Taxpayers may know some of their state's varying laws governing the process of a federal wage garnishment. However, there are different state wage garnishment laws unfamiliar to most. Receiving help from a tax attorney is crucial. A tax professional knows the debt laws and the protection they provide for you.

The amount of the garnishment cannot exceed thirty percent of what the state sets as its minimum wage. The laws also protect you from being fired in the event of having a state wage garnishment levied against you. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to lessen your debt liability, there are options for which you may qualify. It is imperative to get help from a tax professional who will protect your rights and determine your eligibility for relief. Being the victim of a state wage garnishment can cause irreparable damage to your credit. This may prohibit your being hired.

Should I try to save money by representing myself?

IRS and state agents are skilled in the art of interrogation. What you reveal can be manipulated or misunderstood. It is a wise decision to hire a tax attorney who has knowledge of the state wage garnishment laws where you live. It can be the difference between receiving an injunction against, or having your tax problems quickly and fairly resolved
If you are facing a state wage garnishment, you are limited in the amount of time to resolve your tax liability and protect your assets. You may have considered making payments or negotiating an Offer a Compromise with the state, but once a state wage garnishment has occurred, your options are extremely limited. There may be only a matter of days before the injunction is handed down and your wages are seized by the state. You must contact a tax attorney for early intervention with the tax agency. The state will demand immediate payment in full and often will not consider your financial situation. A tax professional can prevent extreme action.

A state wage garnishment can prohibit your very ability to sustain and provide for your family. Depending on the amount you owe, the garnishment situation may be solved with a simple phone call from a qualified tax attorney. They will provide hope and security during a very difficult period.

IRS Tax Attorney

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