Home & Garden Tools Renting

How to Tighten the Belt of a Toro Snow Blower

    • 1). Power off your snow blower and remove the bolts on the side panel of the unit with a Phillips head screwdriver. Remove this panel to expose the internal components of the snow blower.

    • 2). Locate the drive belts in the snow blower. They will be connected to a system of pulleys via springs. The springs allow for self-adjustment of the belts, so any loose belt problem is likely due to a pulley.

    • 3). Check the belts to make sure they are wrapped around the pulleys properly so that they aren't twisted or contorted. The idler at the end of the pulley should hit squarely on the belt. This means the pulley is attached properly. You can slide the belts in and out in order to adjust them.

    • 4). Inspect the pulleys to make sure they aren't loose. If you do find a loose pulley, tighten the bolts that hold it in place with the Phillips head screwdriver.

    • 5). Reinstall the side panel onto the snow blower then replace and tighten the bolts on the panel.

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