Health & Medical Nutrition

Discovering How Diseases Are Linked to Low Quality Drinking Water

We all know that diseases are linked to low quality drinking water.
What some of us may not know though is that the definition of low quality water is not what it used to be.
Aside from dirty, contaminated water, plain tap water might also be considered low quality.
The reason behind the poor quality of tap water is in its pH level.
Tap water approximately has a pH level of 7, which is actually neutral.
Normally this shouldn't be a problem because it simply means that water does not contribute to blood or body acidity.
The problem arises when blood plasma itself is the one that becomes too acidic.
In this case, neutral water won't help at all.
Normal blood also has a pH level close to neutral.
Sometimes though, poor diet, stress, pollution and an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the blood's level of acidity.
The body will try to compensate for this thereby putting stress on the other organs and systems of the body.
Hence, digestion, immunity, circulation and nutrient absorption are all compromised.
A human body put in this state for a prolonged period of time may eventually succumb to disease.
Some conditions that may emerge include cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, gall stones, osteoporosis, infections, premature aging, arthritis and chronic fatigue.
This is the real explanation to how diseases are linked to low quality drinking water.
Fortunately, we don't have to settle for the poor quality of water that comes out of the faucet.
Regular tap water can be converted to ionized alkaline water that has a higher pH level through the use of electrolysis machines.
By attaching one to your faucet, you will be able to produce water with a pH of 8 or 9.
This kind of water can effectively neutralize acidity in the blood and body, thereby preventing disease.
Now you know the truth to how diseases are linked to low quality drinking water.
You now also know the solution to real disease prevention.
Try alkaline water now and feel the difference.

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