Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

I Have Been in an Accident, Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

When it comes to obtaining a lawyer after an accident there are certain things that need to be considered.
The province of Ontario has many time limits that you should be aware of when it comes to seeking compensation from the injuries that resulted from a motor vehicle accident or and other general accident.
Many people often think to themselves after being involved in a car accident, bicycle accident, motorcycle accident, or slip and fall if they actually need to hire a lawyer to represent them When you have been involved in an accident and you would like to pursue applying for accident benefits you are responsible for notifying the insurer within 7 days of the date of the mishap.
In some cases the injuries you incur could cause you to be unable to apply for benefits within the 7 day grace period, if this is your situation then you must file the application as soon thereafter as it can be reasonably done.
Once the insurer has sent the appropriate forms you will then have 30 days from the point you receive the application to return the forms back to your insurer.
If you fail to comply with these set time limits all is not lost as long as there is a reasonable excuse for the forms being returned late.
It is hard for the average person to make sense of law talk, but simply put the Ontario Insurance Act states the following; when attempting to obtain compensation due to loss, damage from bodily injury or death arising from the use or operation of an automobile the plaintiff (injured party) must present written notice to commence action against the defendant within 120 days of the incident.
The Ontario Limitation Act states the following in layman's terms; court proceedings or a law suit will not be recognized or commenced after 2 years (the second anniversary) of the original claim being filed.
There is more than just advice concerning time limits that a good personal injury lawyer will be of great help to you for after an accident.
It is not easy for the average person to understand all the intricacies of insurance law, especially if it is a stressful time of your life which it usually is after an accident.
The recovery after a traumatic injury can be very complicated and the right injury lawyer will take special interest in the rehabilitation of you and in most cases have access to a team of rehabilitation experts.
When you rely on the help of a personal injury lawyer to handle your case you can rest assured that you will be fairly compensated for your injuries and that all your future needs will be adequately provided for.

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