Business & Finance Small Business

The Ultimate Measure of a Man is Not Where He Stands in Moments of Comfort - Dr Martin Luther King

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy," Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
This man 'had a dream'...
he had a vision, and he knew what it would take to have it come true, not necessarily what would happen along the way, but what it would take to succeed.
One of the many inspirational quotes we can take from this visionary is how he measured success.
The above quote puts it right on the table, "where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"...
where we all are now, as clearly we are all facing incredible unprecedented business and financial challenges and controversy.
Do we look at adversity, challenge and controversy and give up, throwing our hands up in despair not knowing what to do and thus doing nothing? Each one of us is being tested and each one of us will have the opportunity to be measured as to how well we do.
Fortunately each one of us does not have to figure out the right strategies for successful navigation of this challenging time.
We have done it for you.
Downsize, and workout your debt, both challenging adventures that will test the mettle of any business man.
The good news is all you have to do is have the guts to be successful, a willingness to confront this challenge and ask us for help...
We will do the rest.
King has it right; we are measured by what we do when confronted by adversity and challenge.
How are you measuring up?

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