How To Make Money With No Money
If you are trying to make money with no money available, there are a few options you may want to consider. Granted, making big money with require some capital outlay, but it is possible to earn some without spending any.
1. Sell your skills: If you are capable of doing things that some others cannot, you can make money without spending any money. For instance, you can even offer to help technologically challenged people to understand their smartphones and computers.
2. Sell your time: There are a number of jobs that will allow you to make money with no money or skills - like babysitting, house-sitting, mowing lawns, driving kids to school and back, washing people's cars at their homes, etc. Granted, none of these pay a lot, but they do not require any capital outlay either, and the money is available quickly.
3. Rent your assets: Do you have an extra vehicle, lawnmower, or even a television you are not using? Someone will be willing to rent it from you for a short period of time as and when their circumstances require it.
4. Find free stuff on Craigslist and Backpage, and sell it. Granted, for this you will need access to a vehicle to transport the stuff - but many people are giving away stuff that still has some value, just to get rid of it.
5. Internet jobs: Depending on your situation, there are various options available. And this is not about internet marketing, but it is about how to make money with no money. There are writing jobs, forum posting jobs, paid online survey jobs, mechanical turk jobs as offered on Amazon, and many more. Just do a Google search for "online jobs".
At the end of the day, the real challenge of how to make money with no money will depend partly on how much you need, how much time you have available, and how quickly you need it. If you need money today, for instance, doing mechanical turk jobs where it takes ages to earn a decent amount won't work for you.
On the other hand, if you only have an hour per day, and you already work late every night, babysitting is not an option. Hopefully the basic ideas on how to make money with no money will set your mind going, and help you to figure out a way to add to your income.
For most people, there is a way to earn some extra money - just don't stare yourself blind against the obvious, and look for unusual ways to fulfill the needs of others.
1. Sell your skills: If you are capable of doing things that some others cannot, you can make money without spending any money. For instance, you can even offer to help technologically challenged people to understand their smartphones and computers.
2. Sell your time: There are a number of jobs that will allow you to make money with no money or skills - like babysitting, house-sitting, mowing lawns, driving kids to school and back, washing people's cars at their homes, etc. Granted, none of these pay a lot, but they do not require any capital outlay either, and the money is available quickly.
3. Rent your assets: Do you have an extra vehicle, lawnmower, or even a television you are not using? Someone will be willing to rent it from you for a short period of time as and when their circumstances require it.
4. Find free stuff on Craigslist and Backpage, and sell it. Granted, for this you will need access to a vehicle to transport the stuff - but many people are giving away stuff that still has some value, just to get rid of it.
5. Internet jobs: Depending on your situation, there are various options available. And this is not about internet marketing, but it is about how to make money with no money. There are writing jobs, forum posting jobs, paid online survey jobs, mechanical turk jobs as offered on Amazon, and many more. Just do a Google search for "online jobs".
At the end of the day, the real challenge of how to make money with no money will depend partly on how much you need, how much time you have available, and how quickly you need it. If you need money today, for instance, doing mechanical turk jobs where it takes ages to earn a decent amount won't work for you.
On the other hand, if you only have an hour per day, and you already work late every night, babysitting is not an option. Hopefully the basic ideas on how to make money with no money will set your mind going, and help you to figure out a way to add to your income.
For most people, there is a way to earn some extra money - just don't stare yourself blind against the obvious, and look for unusual ways to fulfill the needs of others.